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Опис документа:

Автор: Гостюк З.В.
Назва: Природо-заповідний фонд ландшафтів Покутських Карпат
Сторінок: С. 36-41
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Фізична географія та геоморфологія
Анотація:   У статті відображено результати досліджень природно-заповідного фонду Покутських Карпат його структуру, просторове розміщення об"єктів. Зроблено комплексну кількісну та якісну оцінку об"єктів природно-заповідного фонду на території. Встановлено ландшафтно-географічну репрезентативність заповідних об"єктів.
   In modern conditions of intensive economic development activities actual is the question of conservation and protection of the landscape complexes. The nature protection sector is actual and progressive and its main task is to maintain the existing precious territories. The main task of the natural reserve fund is the assistance in the preservation of unique and typical natural landscapes of animal and plant biodiversity. The aim of this study is to analyze the nature- reserve fund of Pokuttya Carpathians.
   Pokuttya Carpathians - is a small area in the south-eastern part of the Ukrainian Carpathians with the area of 666 km2. Administratively it is Ivano-Frankivsk region Kosiv and Verkhovyna districts. According to landscape regionalization it is a territory of six landscapes: midland Haboryanskyi, Synytskyi, Pysanokaminskyi and lowland Karmaturskyi, Richkivskyi, Rozhenskyi. The study determined the exact number of nature protected objects (NPO&) (27), their location and area (201.9 km2). The percentage of protected areas from the total area of Pokuttya Carpathians (30.3%) and from the area of each landscape (Karmaturskyi 63.36%, Richkivskyi 27.14%, Rozhenskyi 41.91%, Haboryanskyi13.35%, Sy&nytskyi 2.54%, Pysanokaminskyi 1.01%) was calculated. Determined the density of natural - reserve fund in the investigated territory 4objects/100 km2. Was made a calculation of index insulyaryzovanosti NPO, which is 0.4 and that determines the degree& of ecologically not stable NPO. It is measured from 0 to 1. The higher is the index of insulyaryzovanosti the more role in the general area play small plots less than 50 hectares. Analyzes were made to determine in which landscapes the biggest area &of natural protected areas are (Karmaturskyi, Richkivskyi, Rozhenskyi) and the largest number of NPO (Richkivskyi -9). Was created, by using software ArcGIS 9.3.1. and ArcGIS 10., a map of the spatial location of objects NPO in the territory of the P&okuttya Carpathians.
   The naturely - protected objects are an important part for the preservation of landscape diversity, have an important value for providing good environmental state of the region.
   В статье отражены результаты исследований природн&о-заповедного фонда Покутских Карпат его структуру, пространственное размещение объектов. Сделано комплексную количественную и качественную оценку объектов природно-заповедного фонда на территории. Установлено ландшафтно- географическую репрезентатив&ность заповедных объектов.

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