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Опис документа:

Автор: Мік В.І.
Назва: Морфологія Калуської улоговини
Сторінок: С. 30-36
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Фізична географія та геоморфологія
Анотація:   У статті наведено комплексну морфологічну характеристику рельєфу Калуської улоговини, детально описано її межі. З допомогою програмного пакету ESRI ArcGIS побудовано карти густоти горизонтального розчленування, глибини вертикального розчленування та нахилів земної поверхні для території дослідження. На основі побудованих карт проведено просторовий аналіз розподілу основних морфометричних показників в днищі улоговини.
   The article contains a comprehensive morphological characteristics of Kalush Depression terrain. Clarifications of the term "depression" for Carpathian Foothills have been described. In particular, we consider Kalush Depression as greatly wide and plain part of the Limnytsia River valley stretching from the Carpathian Mountains in the southwest to the Podillia Upland structures in the northeast which is characterized by small values of relative heights and by significant prevalence of low terraces levels. General morphological and morphometric characteristics of two sub regions of Kalush Depression - Bolohiv and Rozniativ have been described.
   Article also contains a detailed description of Kalush Depression borders and slopes of surrounding uplands, their elevation, steepness values and shape of slopes. Special attention was paid t&o those places, which have divergences among scientists in regard to its bounds interpretation. With use of ESRI ArcGIS software package, maps of horizontal intersection density, vertical intersection depths and inclinations of land surface for inves&tigation area has been built. Based on composed maps, spatial analysis of the distribution of basic morphometric parameters of the bottom of depression were performed. Average values of altitudes, relative heights and slope inclinations was calculate&d for whole depression area, as well as for individual subregions, which allows to compare them by those parameters. In particular it"s clarified, that average horizontal intersection density of Kalush Depression is 0.95 km/km2. In spatial distributi&on of this parameter, certain heterogeneities appears, which is mainly caused by local changes of relative heights. Least intersected areas of the depression are plain surfaces of young terraces. The average value of horizontal intersection depths is& 14.21 m/km2, which is considered to be extremely low, especially in comparison to uplands that surround the depression, for which this value is 4-5 times higher. Least values of this parameter are typical for flat terrace surfaces, and highest value&s for terrace"s slopes and areas of erosion processes intensification. The average value of land surface inclinations within bounds of Kalush Depression"s bottom is 0.66°. In general, more than 90% of the region"s area are subhorizontal surfaces.
   В &статье приведена комплексная морфологическая характеристика рельефа Калушской котловины, подробно описано ее границы. С помощью программного пакета ESRI ArcGIS построены карты густоты горизонтального расчленения, глубины вертикального расчленения и н&аклонов земной поверхности для территории исследования. На основе построенных карт проведено пространственный анализ распределения основных морфометрических показателей в днище котловины.

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