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Опис документа:

Автор: Левченюк Є.В.
Назва: Сучасні ідеологічні засади виховного процесу
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 55-58
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Софія
Анотація:   Здійснено соціально-філософський аналіз сучасних ідеологічних засад виховного процесу. З"ясовано, що сучасними ідеологічними модусами для соціалізації індивіда можуть виступати кіно, фешеніндустрії, реклама тощо. Розглянуто кілька стрічок українського виробництва, які мають досить потужний ідеологічний імпульс.
   Осуществлен социально-философский анализ современных идеологических принципов воспитательного процесса. Выяснено, что современными идеологическими модусами при социализации индивида могут выступать кино, фешениндустрия, реклама и т. п. Рассмотрено несколько лент украинского производства, которые имеют достаточно мощный идеологический импульс.
   Modern civilization progress is characterized by accelerated dynamic changes in all spheres of the society"s life. The peculiarity of the personal development today is that at the present historical stage the personality has to form both the national and the global identity. Nowadays neither the educational system, including Ukrainian, nor socializationin the family has analogies of such upbringing. The personal development and involvement in global and local social processes are faster than forming methodological principles of upbringing and education. This is the result of access to different mod&ern gadgets, films and cartoons, which enlarge the person"s communication sphere but perform different roles in personal development.
   The second half of the twentieth century is characterized by dispelling the myth that it was the postideological pe&riod. However, ideology has actually acquired new forms of existence. It appears to be not only a part of the political system that nowadays has failed to explain modern changes and transformations. Globalization processes have opened the communicati&on spaces of some societies and updated supranational institutions of ideological influence.
   Modern life can not be imagined without Internet, social networking, film industry, fashion industry, advertizing, music, etc., which due to their popularit&y and prevalence significantly influence the process of forming the contemporary person"s worldview orientations. Thus, they turn to be the new ideological modi which simultaneously unite and divide the mankind.
   The modern Ukrainian media space is e&nriched by the great variety of films, cartoons, and TV projects which can be considered ideological film products that in their turn identify and assert the national consciousness. Among them there are the films "Warriors of the Spirit", "Undefeated&", "The Guide" and others. Through consuming film industry products the individual"s certain worldview orientations are formed and they significantly affect the creation of the appropriate value system. It should be noted that instead of clearly form&ed ideological narratives, the film sphere contains a lot of ideologies and ideologemes that can have both positive and negative impact on the personal upbringing.

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