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Опис документа:

Автор: Jurczak Ju., Lachacz T.
Назва: Local communities safety in the context the rise of lone-wolf activity
Сторінок: P. 48-56
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Наукові праці Національного авіаційного університету
Анотація:   Purpose: the main aim of this article is to describe the phenomenon of so-called ‘lone-wolf’ activity in local communities as a number of attacks were recently carried out by individuals and small groups of people in various countries in the world. It seems that these are not incidental cases any more, but the phenomenon that will threaten the functioning of the state and societies. According to undertaken research a "lone-wolf" attack mainly for political, social or religious reasons, that could differ in each community.
   Methods: the data presented in the article was gathered using a variety of methods and techniques, mainly theoretical such as e. g. formal legal and case-study methods together with reasoning and comparison. Additionally, all collected data collected was cross-referenced with media reports, such as newspaper and Internet articles when possible.
   Results: the "lone-wolf" terrorism is a very dangerous phenomenon, being a challenge for state services at the same time to identify and combat such activities. As the number of attacks involving "lone-wolfs" is increasing very rapidly there is no reason to suspect that it will change in the nearest future. According to collected data and experts opinion in this field, it is more likely& foreseen that a ‘lone-wolf’ terrorism will spread around and will be a threat for all countries in a world-wide scale.
   Discussion: in the context of increasing number of so-called "lone-wolfs" activity, one of the points that should be currently co&nsidered is whether these are just incidents or a new threat that will paralyze the functioning of the state and its structures in the 21st century and will give the "new face" of terrorism that will spread through local communities and will come as &an unexpected event to any state services. There is also a question about the motivation and the profile of each "lone-wolf".

З 31.12.2014 по 01.03.2015 Наукова бібліотека
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