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Опис документа:

Автор: Прокопук М.С., Погорєлова Ю.В.
Назва: Вміст біогенних речовин у водоймах міста Києва
Сторінок: C. 76-84
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Гідрологія, гідрохімія і гідроекологія
Анотація:   Здійснено екологічну та гідрохімічну оцінку стану водойм міста Києва за показниками вмісту основних біогенних речовин (NO2-, NO3-, NH4+, PO43-), проаналізовано ступінь трофності водойм згідно класів та категорій якості поверхневих вод. Відмічено, що вміст основних біогенних речовин у поверхневих водах м. Києва показав ознаки антропогенного евтрофування у більшості досліджених водоймах. Жодна із досліджених водойм не може розглядатися як водойма з водою високої якості.
   Осуществлено экологическую и гидрохимическую оценку состояния водоемов города Киева по показателям содержания основных биогенных веществ (NO2-, NO3-, NH4+, PO43-), проанализирована степень трофности водоемов согласно классов и категорий качества поверхностных вод. Отмечено, что содержание основных биогенных веществ в поверхностных водах г. Киева показал признаки антропогенного эвтрофирования в большинстве исследованных водоемах. Ни одна из исследованных водоемов не может рассматриваться как водоем с водой высокого качества.
   Environmental and hydrochemical assessment of the Kyiv water bodies state according to the indicators of main nutrients content (NO2-, NO3-, NH4+, PO43-) have been conducted. The degree of water objects trophic level according to the classes and categories of s&urface water quality have been analyzed. The analysis of selected samples have showed that the indicators of biogenic compounds in water bodies of the city varies widely sometimes to acquire large values, exceeding the norms of the maximum permissibl&e concentrations for the fishery and cultural-household purpose. The worst situation in the reservoirs of the city concerning excess of these standards maximum permissible concentrations has been noted according to the content of phosphates, more tha&n half of the surveyed water bodies are unsuitable for fish farming.
   It has been noted that the content of basic nutrients in the surface waters of Kyiv has showed the indication of anthropogenic eutrophication in majority of studied water bodies. A&s water object with high water quality cannot be considered none of the studied water bodies. The favorable ecological situation on water bodies of the city can be considered only on the content of ammonia nitrogen (the quality of water according to &the content of the concentrations of the compound in the surveyed water bodies of city did not fall below the "mediocre, slightly polluted").
   It has been established that only 13% of the investigated water bodies were distinguished by good quality w&ater (Redkino Lake, Bile Lake, and the Sapsai Pond (Obolonskiy district), the Svyatoshinskiy Pond №15 (Svyatoshinskiy district) and waters of the Park of "Druzhbu narodiv" (Desnyanskiy district), where the water"s nutrient content is categorized as "&good" or "mediocre". 70% of the studied reservoirs, at least one indicator were classified as those where the water quality is "bad" or "very bad".
   The worst situation is in the reservoirs of the city in terms of the content of inorganic phosphorus &compounds. Only 1/3 of the studied water bodies of the values of PO43- in water are characterized by high quality water, however, half (48%) of the studied water bodies on the content of phosphates are characterized as "dirty", hypertrophic, polysapr&obic reservoirs with very low water quality.
   As for the content of nitrites, only 4% of the investigated reservoirs are characterized as "very dirty" hypertrophic, polysaprobic reservoirs with very low water quality, 11% - as "dirty", 27% - as the r&eservoir of mediocre quality, 58% - water is "clean" The content of nitrates is 13% of the investigated reservoirs are characterized as "very dirty", more than half (54%) - as "dirty", only a quarter of the water bodies can be classified as "clean".
   The worst water quality is in the water bodies of Obolonskyi and Darnitskiy districts. The best water quality is in the water bodies of Goloseevskyi, Sviatoshynskyi and Desnyanskiy districts. The lowest quality is marked in city water bodies of syst&

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