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Опис документа:

Автор: Кошечко Н.
Назва: Пізнавальний інтерес викладача ВНЗ у контексті його самоосвіти та саморозвитку
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: C. 29-35
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Київський Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка / Київський, університет імені національний. - Київ: Київський університет, 2016
Анотація:   У статті здійснено аналіз актуальних ідей з проблеми розвитку пізнавального інтересу викладача ВНЗ. Особливий акцент поставлено на самоосвіті педагога ВШ. Виняткову увагу приділено методам та способам стимулювання пізнавального інтересу викладача ВНЗ.
   The problem of cognitive interest lecturer of high school is relevant and important and requires thorough investigation. S. Ananyin made a significant contribution to the development of educational theory, comparative educational research and pedagogic interest. Particular attention should be paid not only to the study of the phenomenon of cognitive interest, its properties, mechanisms and factors of course, but also patterns of stimulation of the lecturer. This process of defining importance update andmaintain professional and personal cognitive interest formed by the teacher in this article recommendations.
   The high level of general cognitive interest instructor provides relevant and high level of performance, quality of teaching. In this context, crucial for the development of vocational educational teacher becomes self-interest, which is realized through:
   - participation in national multidisciplinary international conferences, symposia, "round tables", forums and other educational events Uni&versities;
   - vocational training to improve teacher qualifications HS;
   - participate in intercollegiate and international projects Grande;
   - bilateral and multilateral cooperation / partnership and exchanges universities;
   - membership and coopera&tion with international associations / institutions in higher education;
   - participation in the activities of international research centers and foundations, international scientific programs and international agreements;
   - trips abroad university &staff;
   - participating in training programs, educational institutions and others.
   - In addition to measures to improve the professional cognitive interest, and hence lecturer professional development, you need to pay special attention to personal f&actors, which often become dominant and primary. To maintain continuous personal interest in university lecturer should be implemented:
   - prevention and correction "syndrome of emotional burnout" of teacher in high school;
   - spiritual practice;
   - &healthy sleep, according to biorhythm individual personality;
   - sport, physical activity;
   - the active hobby;
   - leisure activities;
   - practicing in art therapy and more.
   Further development of general cognitive interest lecturer at the scientifi&c, psychological and pedagogical, based on the prerogative of the future of universities in Ukraine.
   В статье произведен анализ актуальных идей по проблеме развития познавательного интереса преподавателя ВУЗ. Специфический акцент поставлен на самооб&разовании педагога. Исключительное внимание обращено на методы и способы стимулирования познавательного интереса преподавателя ВУЗ.

Пошук: заповніть хоча б одне з полів

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