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Опис документа:

Автор: Маляренко О.С.
Назва: Модифікований підхід до типізації основних екомережних елементів регіонального рівня
Сторінок: С. 114-124
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Гідрологія, гідрохімія і гідроекологія
Анотація:   Удосконалено і доповнено типологічні класифікації екомережних ядер та коридорів, розроблено типологічну класифікацію буферних зон. Наведено тлумачення кожного таксону класифікації з необхідними прикладами.
   Усовершенствованно и дополнено типологические классификации екосетевых ядер и коридоров, разработана типологическая классификация буферных зон. Приведены толкования каждого таксона классификации с необходимыми примерами.
   The typological classification of ecological network"s cores based on taxa "hyper-class (the relevance to some types and subtypes of plant formations that reflect the physical and geographic zoning, intra-zonal or extra-zonal distribution) - hyper-subclass (genesis and transformation degree) - class (conformity to classes of regional ecological networks possible element"s identification criteria) - subclass (conformity to types (subtyped) of regional ecological networks possible element"s identification criteria) - group (by belonging to a particular type of biotic spotted LTS)- subgroup (depending on the bio-ecological purpose and donor-acceptor genetic interactions) - type (altitudinal location in relation to the regional erosion"s base level) - subtype (the character of landforms combinations) - category (the range of edap&hic conditions) - grade (the degree of territoriality (area) by the width) - subgrade (first level of detail) (the type of form) - subgrade (second level of detail) (the complexity of the form) - species (depending on the internal structure and natur&e of interaction with the landscape"s background) - subspecies (depending on boundaries" structural and functional form) - variant (significance for eco-network"s territorial structure) - sub-variant (belonging to the structure of interregional ecolo&gical network or a combination of such structure or remoteness from it) - kind (current state)" was improved and supplemented. The typological classification of ecological network"s corridors based on taxa "hyper-class ((the relevance to some types a&nd subtypes of plant formations that reflect the physical and geographic zoning, intra-zonal or extra-zonal distribution) - hyper-subclass (genesis and transformation degree) - class (the dominant group of eco-positive natural and socio-economic func&tions) - subclass (the dominant type (subtype) of eco-positive natural functions) - group (current position and type of surface) - subgroup (type of water-migration regime) - type (the range of edaphic conditions) - category (the degree of territoria&lity (area) by the width) - subcategory (first level of detail) (depending on structural and functional form) - subcategory (second level of detail) (depending on the structural and geometric features) - subcategory (third level of detail) (the degre&e of territoriality (area) by the length) - subcategory (forth level of detail) (depending on the connectivity of the defuse eco-corridors) - grade (the type of form)- species (significance for eco-network"s territorial structure) - subspecies (belon&ging to the structure of interregional ecological network or a combination of such structure or remoteness from it) - variant (current state)) was improved and supplemented. The typological classification of buffer zones based on taxa "hyper-class (g&iven the current protection object) - class (genesis and transformation degree) - subclass (current position at the reference coordinate system) - group (current structural and functional form and the average width) - subgroup (details of existing si&gns) - subgroup (first level of detail) (current topology, including the preferred orientation) - type (current feature that reflects the degree of neighboring geo-systems interactions and communications and determined by the impact of certain horizo&ntal, material and energy flows) - subtype (first level of detail) (details of types" features depending on interactions with certain material and energy flows between neighboring geo-systems) - subtype (second level of detail) (details of 1-st subty&

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