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Опис документа:

Автор: Малицька Л.В.
Назва: Кількісна оцінка комфортності погодних умов та клімату
Сторінок: С. 97-106
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Гідрологія, гідрохімія і гідроекологія
Анотація:   У статті розглянуто сучасні методи оцінки комплексного впливу метеорологічних факторів на стан людини. Представлено огляд біокліматичних показників, як непрямих індикаторів стану навколишнього середовища. Надана об"єктивна оцінка можливостей їх використання для вирішення практично-орієнтовних задач біокліматології в кліматичних умовах, що змінюються.
   В статье рассмотрены современные методы оценки комплексного влияния метеорологических факторов на состояние человека. Подано обзор биоклиматических показателей, как непрямых индикаторов состояния окружающей среды. Предоставлена объективная оценка возможностей их использования для решения практически- ориентированных задач биоклиматологии в условиях изменения климата.
   The article deals with modern methods of assessing the combined effect of meteorological factors, such as solar radiation, cloud cover, air temperature, relative humidity, wind velocity and others, plus additional factors like considerable sweating rates or heavy clothes, on the human comfort condition. The assessment of the thermal stress and the translation of the stress in terms of physiological and psychological strain is really difficult procedure, that consisting of many different and connected parts. Quantitative assessment of w&eather and climate comfort is carried out by bioclimatic indices as indirect environmental indicators. The following review summarizes the current knowledge on bioclimatic indices and their correlates to thermal sensation and comfort of human being. &This research focuses on the objective assessment of the possibilities to use them to solve bioclimatology-oriented tasks in climate change conditions. All indices that have been suggested can be categorized into one of three groups: "rational indice&s", "direct indices", or "empirical indices". The first two groups are sophisticated indices, which integrate environmental and physiological variables; they are difficult to calculate and are not feasible for daily use. The latter group comprises of& simple indices, which are based on the measurement of basic environmental variables. It is apparent that the "direct indices" and the "rational indices" are more comprehensive than the "empirical indices", but their practicality in daily use is ques&tionable. Empirical indices are the most user-friendly. From 2000"s to nowadays attempts have been made to construct a universal thermal climate index, which would integrate the accumulated experience and scientific knowledge about weather and climat&e, and their impact on human thermal comfort, an empirical database, scientific and technical progress and achievement of engineering. Now this issue is still open and needs to be resolved.

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