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Опис документа:

Автор: Лета В.В.
Назва: Гідроекологічний стан річки Шопурка Рахівського району Закарпатської області
Сторінок: С. 91-96
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Гідрологія, гідрохімія і гідроекологія
Анотація:   Подано гідрологічну характеристику та оцінку екологічного стану р. Шопурка. Описано основні джерела забруднення поверхневих вод. Проаналізовано дані гідрохімічного моніторингу поверхневих вод басейну річки та грунтових вод на території Великобичківського лісохімкомбінату. Опрацьовано матеріали національних та міжнародних програм регулювання водокористування в межах досліджуваної території.
   Подано гидрологическую характеристику и оценку экологического состояния р. Шопурка. Описаны основные источники загрязнения поверхностных вод. Проанализированы данные гидрохимического мониторинга поверхностных вод бассейна реки и грунтовых вод на территории Великобычковского лесохимкобината. Обработано материалы национальных и международных программ регулирования водопользования в пределах исследуемой территории.
   The analysis of knowledge in different academic, governmental institutions and individual scientists from Ukraine and abroad were made. An urgent environmental problems in Rakhiv district, particularly insettlements located in the river basin of the Shopurka are presented here. Also here it is presented the hydrologic characteristic and estimation of an ecological state of the Shopurka river. There are descripted the main sources of surface water pol&lution. The basin of Shopurka river and physical parameters of flow, channel are characterized and also there is provided the data on natural conditions and relief area, which together determines the nature and type of the power of the river. There i&s given list of dangerous objects and enterprises that pose a threat to the aquatic environment within the village of Velykyi Bychkiv and settlements located downstream after the confluence of the Tisza River in the Shopurka. To reflect the dynamics &of chemical parameters of river water quality in the article the monitoring data for the last ten years is included. The data of hydrochemical monitoring of river basin surface water and subsoil waters on territory of the wood-chemical plant of Vel.B&ychkiv was analysed. This made it possible to substantiate the presence of specific pollutants in surface waters of the river Shopurka and list the sources of their income. It is proved that some of the physical and chemical qualities of natural wate&rs go beyond acceptable norms and have seasonal and the average fluctuations. There are separately allocated organic and inorganic contamination indicators within the classification of water quality by international standards and in compliance with I&nternational Commission for the Protection of the Danube River. The data of many years of monitoring which is leaded by public organizations, institutions and foreign partners, including Romania, Hungary, Slovakia within the framework of cross-border& cooperation is summarized. There is a proof of their relevance and importance of expanding international cooperation in the field of ecology to improve environmental conditions. The national and international programs of water consumption regulation& within the studied territory were worked up, also there is one of the projects considered related to environmental regulation of surface and groundwater in the territory of Rakhiv district. There are given many resons of necessity to continue the st&udy of the area because it will help to develop cross-border cooperation in the Carpathian Euroregion.

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