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Опис документа:

Автор: Мірошніченко К.А., Чорноморець Ю.О.
Назва: Вплив змін клімату на водний баланс та динаміку стоку води річки Ворскла
Сторінок: С. 58-68
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Гідрологія, гідрохімія і гідроекологія
Анотація:   В роботі порівнюється водний баланс річки Ворскла за період кліматичної норми (1961-1990 рр.) та за сучасний період (1991-2012 рр.). Обчислено однорідність складових водного балансу. Визначено основні тенденції в багаторічних коливаннях гідрологічних і метеорологічних характеристик.
   В работе сравнивается водный баланс реки Ворскла в период климатической нормы (1961- 1990 гг) и по современный период (1991-2012 гг.). Вычислено однородность составляющих водного баланса. Определены основные тенденции в многолетних колебаниях гидрологических и метеорологических характеристик.
   The paper compared the water balance of the river Vorskla in the period and climatic norm for modern times. Calculated homogeneity components of the water balance. The main trends in multi fluctuations hydrological and meteorological characteristics. Water balance is calculated based on observations at three meteorological stations. The impact of each weather station has been identified in the conversion factor and the resulting calculation formula for calculating the pool meteorological characteristics. To assess the time series used two separate approaches. The first was over meteorological and hydrological characteristics of the modern period with a period of climatic norm b&y their value residual. The second method involved the construction of difference integral curves. With characteristic curves revealed trends in multi fluctuations of the water balance of the river Vorskla. The increase in air temperature led to high&er evaporation value, reduced rainfall and river flow layer. The incoming water balance components owe is decrease by 12 mm. Changes the out going water balance components ower mutually offset, an increase evaporation at 17 mm drain led to a reductio&n of 10 mm. Violation of homogeneity on two criteria fixed in the ranks of the mean annual temperature and humidity. Increased discrepancy water balance. Rainfall decreased in December and August, but rose in September and October. This led to an inc&rease in the minimum flow winter time. Maximum flow snowmelt flood has decreased by almost half, and the total flow of April fell by one-third (30%) compared with the period of climatic norm. Layer runoff decreased, and a layer of underground runoff &increased. The analysis of difference integral curves can note a steady upward trend in air temperature. Annual precipitation and annual runoff layer have no clear trends to change. However, the maximum daily snowmelt flood layer flow constantly decr&easing since 1989 for all three present hydrological stations in the basin of the Vorskla. Minimum layer flow summer-autumn low water grew until 2005 and then marked a definite downward trend. Stick period of growing winter time, since 1981. Thus, th&e increase in average annual temperature in the basin of the Vorskla at 1C° compared with a period of climatic norm has led to increased evaporation and corresponding reduction in river flow and reduce annual precipitation. At the same time there hav&e been significant changes in the structure of intraannual distribution of rainfall and river flow in the direction of alignment fluctuations between months In total river flow changes were changes in two opposite directions. On the one hand reduce r&ainfall led to a similar decrease in runoff, but the constant underground drain slightly increased. The maximum drain snowmelt flood period is characterized by a strong downward trend, as opposed to it minimum flow winter time differs growth primaril&y through underground component.

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