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Опис документа:

Автор: Іванова Н.О.
Назва: Прозорість та колір води Сасика як абіотичні компоненти його екосистеми
Сторінок: С. 90-103
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Гідрологія, гідрохімія і гідроекологія
Анотація:   Виконано аналіз оптичних властивостей водних мас водосховища Сасик на різних етапах його існування. Визначено розподіл значень прозорості та кольору води по акваторії водойми за даними 2013-2014 pp. Встановлено фактори їх формування та взаємозв"язки міжпоказниками.
   Проанализированы оптические свойства водных мacc водохранилища Сасык на разных этапах его существования. Определено распределение значений прозрачности и цвета воды по акватории водоема согласно данным 2013-2014 гг. Установлены факторы их формирования и взаимосвязи между показателями.
   In this paper have been analyzed the optical properties of water masses of the Sasyk reservoir. It was found that the water clarity and color of water of the Sasyk reservoir are highly heterogeneous and vary at different stages of its existence. Prior to the conversion of the Sasyk lake (up to 1978), the most common water clarity was 0,7-0,9 m, and the dominant color of water was yellow (XV-XVI). At this stage, the major factors in the formation of the optical properties of water masses were the stirring up bottom sediments and the supply of allochthonous suspended matter as a result of coastal abrasion. At the stage existence the reservoir in the period establishment (1980-90-ies) there was a change o&f abiotic environmental conditions.The major factor in the formation of the optical properties of water masses of the Sasyk reservoir has become the inflow of freshwater of the Danube. This resulted in increase in the contrast of water in different p&arts of the reservoir. During this period in the water of the reservoir the water color had changed from greenish yellow (XIII) to yellowish brown (XIX-XX), and the water clarity had changed in the range of 0,1 to 1,3 m. During researches in 2013-14.& (modern period) range of the water clarity was 0,2-0,85 m. The water color had changed from yellowish green (XII) to yellowish brown (XII) with the dominance of yellow (XV-XVI) color. Among the examined seasons of 2013-2014 the maximum of the contra&st of the water masses according to optical properties noted in the summer of 2013. According to the optical properties of water masses the Sasyk reservoir has been divided into three parts - north, central and south. The lowest water clarity has bee&n observed in the northern part. South part of the reservoir has been differed the greater water clarity in the absence of the inflow of freshwater of the Danube. The greatest water clarity in the Sasyk reservoir is in winter, and the lowest water cl&arity - in autumn.Seasonal changes and the fragmentation in the waters of the reservoir of the optical properties of water masses are indicative of the variety of influencing factors, as well as are indicative of the small transformation of freshwate&r of the rivers and channels entering the reservoir. Among the major factors in the formation of the optical properties of water masses have been found morphological features (shape and depth of the reservoir), weather conditions (wind and solar radi&ation), the number of suspended matters in the freshwater of the rivers and channels entering the reservoir, the stirring up the clay bottom sediments and as a result of coastal abrasion.

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