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Опис документа:

Автор: Hrynkevych S., Gural N.
Назва: Assessment of labour potential renovation for trade enterprises
Сторінок: Р. 96-99
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Економічний часопис - XXI
Анотація:   Introduction. Trading activity is one of the most important components of the economy, affecting the quality of life, economic development and competitiveness. However, the development of trade is not possible without effective renovation of labour potential for trade enterprises. The purpose of this paper is to research renovation of labour potential for trade enterprises based on its phases with regard to the model of integral index. Results. Labour potential of trade should be considered in the context of its four phases taking into account their component structures. Therefore, the integrated assessment of the labour potential in trade was done for Lviv region of Ukraine for the years 2005 and 2010-2015 by generalising integral indicators of formation, distribution (redistribution), development and use of labour potential of enterprise, as well as by calculating taxonomic indicators of its components. The authors have established a differentiation of tempo dependencies of integral indicators at different time intervals and discovered heterohronnist phases of trade enterprises" labour potential renovation. It has been found out that special attention should be given to the effective use of labour potential, which is a prerequisite to ensure it&s renovation. Conclusions. A requirement to ensure a balanced renovation of labour potential of trade enterprises is to further the related payments, particularly in the longer term, with a possibility of application of a large number of indicators.
   У статті визначено структуру процесу відтворення трудового потенціалу. Проведено інтегральне оцінювання трудового потенціалу за фазами його відтворення. Побудовано узагальнюючі інтегральні показники рівня формування, розподілу (перерозподілу), розви&тку й використання трудового потенціалу сфери торгівлі Львівської області.

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