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Опис документа:

Автор: Baru N.A., Koloskov A.V., Yampolsky Y.M., Rakhmatulin R.A.
Назва: Multipoint observations of Ionospheric Alfven Resonance
Сторінок: Р. 45-49
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics
Анотація:   Among the processes that form properties of the geospace in the circumterrestrial plasma the electromagnetic resonances of the Earth, such as Schummann Resonance (SR) and Ionospheric Alfven Resonance (IAR) are of great importance. IAR is more localized in space than SR and its properties largely depend on the characteristics of the propagation medium. In contrast to the SR, which has global nature and which is continuously observable at any time of the day, IAR signals are registered mostly during the nighttime and demonstrate more variability of the parameters than SR signals. At the Earth surface IAR is registered as Spectral Resonance Structure of the natural electromagnetic noise at frequency range 0.1-40 Hz. In this work we studied an influence of the environment characteristics on IAR parameters by the means of multipoint observations. Annual data series recorded at Ukrainian Antarctic Station "Akademik Vernadsky", Low Frequency Observatory of the Institute of Radio Astronomy near Kharkov (Ukraine) and magnetic station of Sayan Solar Observatory Mondy near Irkutsk (Russia) were used for the analysis. We investigated the behaviour of IAR parameters, such as probability of resonance lines registration and frequency spacing [Delta]F, for annua&l and diurnal intervals. These parameters were compared with characteristics of the ionosphere above all of the observation points and geomagnetic activity.

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