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Опис документа:

Автор: Nwaoduh E.
Назва: Feminization of poverty: the Nigerian account
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: P. 48-53
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка
Анотація:   The paper is an attempt at contributing to the on-going debate on feminization of poverty by discussing the concept of feminization poverty in Nigeria. Women in Nigeria cannot be seen as a minority group and anything (as poverty is the case here) that is a challenges to them as a group should not be neglected as it has and will continue to have tremendous negative effects on the development of the country. Prior to this time, many poverty alleviation programs which are highlighted in the work have beeninitiated by several governments and they achieved some successes although to a larger extent due to poor implementation and corruption they failed as is evident in the level of poverty in Nigeria. The research elucidates the causes, effects and consequences of women"s poverty in Nigeria. Some of the causes discussed include limited access to resources that help women escape from poverty; low income and work discrimination; lack of access to good health care services and socio-cultural exclusions. While some of the effects include poor health and health care access; inadequate food and poor nutrition; lack or poor quality of education; limited access to information and technological development. Several remedies such as increasing the productive ca&pacity of women through access to Economic resources, information and technical assistance, which will increase their income and improve nutrition, education, health care and status within the household were also brought into perspective. Recommendat&ions were made to all concerned groups- the women, men and government agencies and apparatuses, one of which includes: the availability of skill acquisition programs, which should be free and accessible for women especially those in the rural area sh&ould be organised, by the government, non-governmental agencies, and well-meaning philanthropists. It was concluded that the structure of the Nigeria society gives room for female poverty.

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