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Опис документа:

Автор: Гудзинська Л.Ю.
Назва: Санаційний банк в Україні: проблеми законодавчого регулювання
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 280-287
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Теоретичні та прикладні питання економіки
Анотація:   У статті здійснена оцінка законодавчих пропозицій щодо інституційного забезпечення врегулювання проблемності банківської системи України.
   В статье осуществлена оценка законодательных предложений по институциональному обеспечению урегулирования проблемности банковской системы Украины.
   In the face of the deteriorating competitive market of credit services actualized the problem of competitive banks. Its practical solution is complicated by the inherent banking sector sufficiently high risk activity. Thus the specificity of this sector of the economy is that failure of a banking institution can cause a chain reaction of bankruptcies of other banks, not excluding the possibility of a systemic banking crisis. These risks arise primarily due to the accumulation of bad loans from banks. It should be noted that the number of so-called adversely classified assets in the banking system of Ukraine today is within 15% of the total assets of the banking system. In this case, the annual growth rate of these assets significantly higher than the assets of the banking system, which should be assessed risk and form an insurance pool. During the financial crisis of 2008-2011 the amount of such excess was 5.5 times, indicating that the active process of accumulati&on of bad assets in the banking system of Ukraine, which results in a significant reduction in its competitiveness in the domestic credit market and narrowing the scope of the presence of domestic banks lending to the economy. The said situation on t&he agenda displays on developing and implementing an effective tool output troubled assets from banks, which in the world is the creation of specialized institutions , with activities which are linked to key problems reduce stress on bank capital, th&e restoration of their creditworthiness.

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