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Автор: Апанасенко К.
Назва: Правова природа прав за документами дозвільного характеру: постановка питання
Видавництво: ВПЦ "Київський університет"
Сторінок: С. 56-64
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка
Анотація:   У статті розпочато дослідження правової природи прав, які отримуються на підставі документів дозвільного характеру. Проаналізована можливість визнання таких прав складовою господарської компетенції суб"єктів господарювання та майновими правами. Розглянуто питання про допустимість обліку цих прав в якості нематеріальних активів суб"єктів господарювання.
   В статье начато исследование правовой природы прав, которые приобретаются на основании документов разрешительного характера. Проанализирована возможность признания таких прав как составляющей хозяйственной компетенции субъектов хозяйствования и как имущественных прав. Рассмотрен вопрос о допустимости учета таких прав как нематериальных активов.
   The high-priority reforms in Ukrainian Strategy of constant development are deregulation and development of business. There are 659 centers of administrative services including permit centers as a structure departments in Ukraine. Permit centers received more than 400 thousands petitions in 2014. So there is an important and actual task to investigate theoretical fundamentals of permit relations in a sphere of economic work.
   Detection of legal nature of rights providing by permit documents is necessary for definition of correct ways and content of legisla&tive changes in permit system, for starting theoretical economic law investigations of permit relations. It is a purpose of our investigation. This problem was not investigated in Ukrainian legal science. Some results of this researching are the next&.
   The rights providing by permit documents are subjective rights of appropriate economic subject. Author found indicators of subjective right in these rights using scientific works in a sphere of legal theory. Capabilities of subjective right were d&efinited in this right.
   Author classified scientific positions for the category "economic competence" and analyzed whether it is possible to recognize rights providing by permit documents as a part of economic competence. It was defined as a possibl&e thing in the border of dynamic position recognizing individual competence of economic subject. Author proposed to add to determination of economic competence the possibility to receive some rights on the base of permit documents not only of constit&uent documents and licenses.
   The difficult question is whether the rights providing by permit documents are the property rights. It is more difficult because scientists have different positions on a content of the category "property rights". Based o&n most popular signs of property rights author proposed own conclusion. All analyzed rights are not property rights excepting some of them. But this question needs for next investigations. Rights providing by permit documents is most similar to the c&ategory "privilege". This is historical category, there were known trade and manufacturing privileges in history. Now the concept of legal privilege is developed in social law but it has a chance to be developed in economic law.
   It is interesting th&at analyzed rights can be accounted as a property (non-material assets) of an economic subject. This conclusion is a result of legislative and scientific research.
   Consequently the legal nature of rights providing by permit documents can be defined &in different ways. Proposed branches have a perspective for development. It is necessary to work on a theory of privilege and on conclusion about analyzed rights as a privilege. The final conclusion about property nature of these rights can be given &after detailed analyze of certain possibilities (rights) providing by different kinds of permit documents. So important task is to classify permit documents and rights providing by them. Results of this investigation can help in researching of possib&le tradability of analyzed rights.

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