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Наукова бібліотека ім. М. Максимовича UNDP in Ukraine
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Опис документа:

Автор: Дем"яненко Н.
Назва: Педагогічна освіта: зміна пріоритетів
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 20-25
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка
Анотація:   Досліджується проблема конструювання компетентнісно-контекстної моделі підготовки педагогічних кадрів на тлі зміни структури освітньої діяльності, нарощування дослідницької компоненти, розширення функцій педагогічного університету в інноваційному соціально-економічному середовищі.
   The problem of competence and contextual model of teachers" staff training amid restructuring of educational activities, capacity a research component, expanding the functions of Pedagogical University in innovative social and economic environment has been investigated. Competencebased approach to teacher training provides subjectivity of teacher-student relations, credit-modular system of organization the process of education, block-modular design educational and methodical complexes, equipped with materials for diagnostic, scientific research technologies implementation, Master priority in multi-level training with asynchronous educational process and the development of academic mobility of students. In the orientation on competency approach educational environment of pedagogical university should differ in reliance on modern information technologies, designing a new educational content, elaboration innovative technologies of professional competencies developing, sol&ving problems of measuring the quality of education in innovative conditions and changes in the traditional role of the teacher on tutor. In the organization of the educational process practical, interdisciplinary and applied aspects will intensify. &Main lines of the competence-based approach include: orientation on humanization of the educational process; interdisciplinary and integrativity; substantial and technological continuity of training and education of students; carrying out of diagnost&ics.
   Among the functions of the competency approach in the higher pedagogical education are such ones: an operational - identification (operationalization) system of knowledge and skills, types of readiness of the student (graduate) that determine h&is competency and guarantee the effectiveness of problem solving; activity-based and process - design training content type of the activity, as close to the field of the future of teaching profession, the development and implementation of problems in& the educational process, solutions that meet technologies of professional activity; educational - strengthening of educational component in the educational process, formation of students" organizing and managerial experience, culture of personal and& professional communication. Competence and contextual model provides organization of quasi professional activity, interdisciplinary interaction, opportunities for self-development and self-realization of personality of student, creation of additiona&l organizational and pedagogical conditions aimed at increasing students" motivation to learn. Magistracy acquires special importance in the implementation of professional and pedagogical training of future teacher. Master"s level makes it possible t&o reproduce of highly intelligent scientific research personnel, elite of professionals with high interdisciplinary culture. Escalating diversification of master training in megatendencies, development of the educational environment of pedagogical un&iversity with the help of scientific researches, formation of competence in creating a new knowledge are conditioned. Under the "scientific school" is meant the research team that combines more than one generation of scientists who are developing a s&cientific problem of academic focus within a particular scientific and educational organization and institutions. Scientific and pedagogical school systematically combines: creation of educational and methodical complexes; the usage of original metho&ds of teaching with the use of modern means of communication; active involvement of students to research activities; carry out research and teaching activities. The creation of centers of fundraising at pedagogical universities, which will undertake &

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