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Опис документа:

Автор: Dranitsina A.S., Savko U.V., Dvorshchenko K.O., Ostapchenko L.I.
Назва: Expression of Gast, Cckbr, Reg1a genes in rat duodenal epithelial cells upon long-term gastric hypoacidity and after a multiprobiotic administration
Сторінок: Р. 365-371
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Biopolymers and cell
Анотація:   Aim. Determination of the Cckbr, Gast and Reg1a genes expression in rat duodenal epithelial cells upon longterm hypoacidity and with the administration of the multiprobiotic Symbiter. Methods. The experiments were carried out on white non-strain male rats. The hypoacidic state was induced through intraperitoneal injection of omeprazole for 28 days. The level of genes expression was determined by semi-quantitative analysis with RT-PCR Results. The elevation of mRNA levels of the Cckbr and Gast genes in rat duodenal villus and crypt epitheliocytes, the increased expression of the Reg1a gene in crypt epithelial cells were shown as well as the appearance of the Reg1a gene expression in villus epitheliocytes upon hypoacidic conditions were shown. The content of mRNAs of the above mentioned genes decreased or remained at the control level upon the treatment of hypoacidic rats with the multiprobiotic Symbiter. Conclusions. Long-term gastric hypoacidity is accompanied by the changes in expression of the Cckbr, Gast and Reg1a genes in rat duodenum, whereas upon administration of the multiprobiotic Symbiter the pattern of studied gene expression did not changed in the most cases.

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