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Опис документа:

Автор: Steblenko L.P., Kurylyuk A.N., Koplak O.V., Krit O.N., Tkach V.N., Naumenko S.N.
Назва: Changes in nanostructure and micro-plastic properties of silicon crystals under action of magnetic fields
Сторінок: P. 389-392
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Semіconductor physics, quantum electronics & optoelectronics
Анотація:   Experimental data obtained in this work are indicative of the fact that magnetic field stimulates processes of structural relaxation in silicon. Using the secondary-ion mass-spectrometry method, we found that the concentration of alkali metals (K, Na, Ca) in the subsurface layer is essentially (4 to 5 times) increased after magnetic impact. The carbon concentration is increased, too, while the concentration of oxygen (dominant impurity in silicon) is changed in various ways. Non-homogeneous distribution of impurities results in non-uniformity of heights for nano-objects that are formed from them, which leads to non-uniformity in micro-relief and causes a respective increase of the roughness parameter. The changes in impurity composition of silicon crystals, which are caused by the magnetic influence, correlate with changes in silicon micro-plastic characteristics. In this work, we found a positive magneto-plastic effect. Most probable, the reason for braking the dislocation motion in silicon crystalsafter magnetic treatment is diffusion of impurities along dislocation lines, which is enhanced by magnetic field. Coagulants of diffusing.

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