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Опис документа:

Автор: Дежина И.Г.
Назва: Страны БРИКС: направления научной кооперации
Видавництво: Наука
Сторінок: С. 14-23
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Мировая экономика и международные отношения
Анотація:   Анализируются масштабы и структура научных комплексов государств БРИКС, результативность исследовательской деятельности, состояние научно-технологического сотрудничества между участниками группы. Показано, что их научные комплексы сильно различаются практически по всем параметрам, но сталкиваются при этом со сходными проблемами, связанными с государственным регулированием и внешними факторами. Для России наибольший интерес представляет многостороннее технологическое сотрудничество в рамках БРИКС, которое способно стимулировать формирование крупных отечественных инновационных компаний.
   The article evaluates science sectors and effectiveness of scientific research in the countries forming the BRICS group, as well as the current state of scientific and technological cooperation among the group members. The science sectors of the countries under consideration differ markedly, while facing similar problems relating to government regulations and external environments. The differences exist in total expenditures on research and development (as a share of GNP), in the scope of governmental funding (large in Russia and India, but small in China), and in the distribution of allocations among various areas and types of R&D activities. China appears to h&ave the most well-adjusted science sector among the BRICS members. It includes not only strong universities but also high-tech companies that invest actively into research and development. The overall impact (inferred from citation indexes) of fundam&ental and exploratory research performed in BRICS countries remains low. BRICS"s scientists prefer to collaborate with their colleagues from the world-leading countries rather than with their fellows from BRICS. Yet, in contrast to the world trend, i&n all BRICS countries, except Russia, a share of internationally co-authored publications is now decreasing. BRICS members have more similar interests and priorities in technological development, including infrastructural and large technological proj&ects, than in science. Currently, bilateral cooperation in technology prevails, while the projects involving all members of the group still remain at the stage of preliminary evaluation and discussion. Russia cooperates most closely with China and In&dia, including joint projects in such high-priority directions as new materials, photonics, biomedical, space and information technologies. For Russia, cooperation in technological development appears to be of most interest because it can lead not on&ly to introduction of new technologies but also help to create large Russian innovative companies. Development of successful multilateral cooperation in science and technology among the BRICS members is the key for this group, originally formed for g&eopolitical reasons, to evolve into an effective economic union.

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