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Опис документа:

Автор: Вітренко А.
Назва: Сутність нематеріальної послуги як особливої теоретичної категорії в системі сучасної постіндустріальної економіки
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 42-49
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка
Анотація:   В статті розглядаються основні особливості постіндустріального суспільства і зростаюча важливість послуг, зокрема нематеріальних послуг, у сучасній економічній системі. Аналізується історична ретроспектива підходів до визначення природи послуг і надається авторське визначення послуг. Автор приділяє значну увагу нематеріальним послугам, та їх ролі у розвитку індивідуальних і суспільних потреб та переваг.
   В статье рассматриваются основные особенности постиндустриального общества и растущая важность услуг, особенно нематериальных услуг, в современной экономической системе. Анализируется историческая ретроспектива подходов к определению природы услуг и предоставляется авторское определение услуг. Автор уделяет большое внимание нематериальным услугам, и их роли в развитии индивидуальных и общественных потребностей и предпочтений.
   The paper deals about main features of the post-industrial society and the increasing importance of services, especially the intangible services, in modern economics system. Aswe can see, in the leading countries of the world, which are the locomotive of the world economy and in the countries that have built their growth on the principles of intellectualization of production and services play a key role in the GDP formatio&n. The expansion of service delivery in these countries was based on a qualitative changes in the production structure and qualitative changes in human society, the principles of its organization and functioning, and the increasing role of human inte&llectual activity, high education level, increasing average income per capita and high social standards. In the present world economic literature, this situation is characterized by the term "Services Revolution" (Bell, 1972). This is mainly typical &for post- industrial society.
   The definition "service" is interpreted in different ways, that is leading to differences of opinion, inconsistency, ambiguity in the interpretation, diversity of definition. This is primarily due to the fact - services& are diverse and numerous, and secondly every scientist defines the essence of the service concept depending on the subject area of the research. Therefore, it is necessary to consider alternative views on services in global economic theory, it will &enable us to determine the nature of service and separate special kind of service - namely intangible service as actual category of the current economic system.
   We can formulate the following definition of services as a special good, service - a spe&cial intangible product that is included in the process of production and circulation in the form of a special useful effect from manufacturer on purpose to meet the unique consumer needs (usually intangible).
   In the post-industrial society occur th&e processes of transformation of material goods, particular in the structure of any product, in the formation of its value and use value, come to the fore immaterial part of it, and the ideal components of intangible goods in the form of knowledge an&d skills which are necessary for the production of this good. In addition, clear difference between production technologies, marketing material goods and services disappears.
   As a whole with the complications processes of human needs and complexity &of production technology, occur complication and transformation in definition utility of services, service differentiation increases their utility too. Based on the commodity nature of intangible services, it can be seen as a set of useful actions du&ring the interaction of consumers and manufacturer to meet specific needs. Considering intangible services, we note that most of them are private goods, which are characterized by categories competition and exclusivity.

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