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Опис документа:

Автор: Слободяник Н.С.
Назва: Зарубіжний досвід формування суддівського корпусу
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 300-310
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Адміністративне право і процес
Анотація:   The article highlights the main approaches to the formation of the judicial corps in foreign countries. The emphasis is made on the research of foreign experience. It analyzes current models of selection of judges and their dismissal. On this basis, areoutlined the main directions of new initiatives in reforming the judiciary in Ukraine. Foreign experience of formation of the judicial corps in foreign countries is very important for Ukraine. Picking the judiciary courts boils down to two questions: 1)who may be replaced judges and 2) how should be replaced. The procedure for replacing judicial positions can be performed in different ways, and they all boil down to four model systems: 1) the election; 2) election of judges by their peers; 3) appointment of the government at his discretion; and 4) the appointment by the Government of the competition. In France, all decisions on the appointment of judges to the position of President are signed by the recommendation of the High Council of Justice (for judges of Court of Cassation) and the Ministry of Justice and the Council of Judges (for other judges). In Germany, the academic training of German lawyers must necessarily be combined with practical and professional training for future lawyers of dif&ferent law enforcement agencies and it is a separated stage of preparation of judicial candidates. In addition there is also a serious psychological and psycho-emotional training of judicial candidates. In Sweden, most of the candidate judges begin s&ervice after graduation. Replacement of public office is based on business considerations, merit and competence individuals. In Poland, the appointment of judges (both general jurisdiction of the military and administrative) is done by the President.& Important in the formation of the judiciary in Poland is Polish Union Council of Justice. Today in Ukraine can be implemented the principle of electing judges to restore public confidence in the judiciary. So should formulate a model that will ensur&e the most effective implementation of the idea of direct election of judges by people. This model should have optimally balanced rights and legitimate interests of the citizen and the state.
   У статті висвітлюються основні підходи щодо формування су&ддівського корпусу в зарубіжних країнах. Зроблено акцент на дослідженні іноземного досвіду комплектування суддівського корпусу. Аналізуються сучасні моделі добору суддів на посади та звільнення їх з посад. На цій основі окреслено основні напрямки нов&их ініціатив у сфері реформування судової влади в Україні.
   В статье освещаются основные подходы к формированию судейского корпуса в зарубежных странах. Сделан акцент на исследовании зарубежного опыта комплектования судейского корпуса. Анализируются &современные модели отбора судей на должности и освобождения их от должностей. На этой основе очерчены основные направления новых инициатив в сфере реформирования судебной власти в Украине.

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