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Опис документа:

Автор: Балюк Г.І., Шомпол О. А.
Назва: Національні та міжнародно-правові проблеми регулювання охорони довкілля і забезпечення екологічної безпеки під час збройних конфліктів
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 142-158
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Адміністративне право і процес
Анотація:   The authors analyze in this article the special aspects of national, as well as international and legal problems of environmental protection during armed conflicts, and make attempt to attract the attention of foreign and domestic legal scholars and practitioners to the need of doctrinal research and the importance to solve these problems by modern standard setting and right enforcement. It is noted that one of the most relevant levels of the negative impact of armed conflicts is the impact on the environment. The authors emphasize that a set of legal problems concerning the environment during armed conflicts on a scientific level is considered by domestic and foreign scientists mainly in the context of international and legal regulation. Such conceptof scientific development of the subject is explained by the fact that during a long time armed conflicts in the world were mostly of interstate nature and dimension. Ukraine faces today the need to solve a number of problems related to overcoming of the consequences of armed conflict, which officially is not recognized as interstate. The article discusses the conclusion that the war which continues in Ukraine, testified: laws of peacetime during armed conflict do not work; moreover, they have no an&swer to the question, which war generates, in particular on environmental protection and environmental safety provision in activity of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the territory where military operations are conducted. Events that occur in Ukraine,& evidence also on the fact that it is impossible during armed conflict to talk about the legal environmental safety in activity of the Armed Forces, focusing solely on domestic law norms. In addition, the war in Ukraine showed that the efficiency of &the leading international organizations (it is referred to such international organizations as the UN, OSCE) in solution of the world"s problems today has reduced considerably. The situation in Ukraine has exposed another problem it puts into questio&n international agreements and commitments undertaken by some states concerning others. Meanwhile armed conflicts remain an important factor in achieving political and economic goals. Thus, armed conflicts are one of the major causes of the deteriora&tion and degradation of the environment. The negative impact on the environment during armed conflict makes it difficult and sometimes impossible to protect civilian population and infringes important human rights (including the right to a safe and h&ealthy environment), respect to which the customary international rules require as well. The authors have suggested that the criminality in environment sphere can be considered as a domestic case only conditionally, because any encroachment on the en&vironment somehow affects the entire international community, although local disasters remain local. The quite logical question is the following: is there a way out and what are legal means to minimize environmental risks in activity of the Armed For&ces of Ukraine during military conflict? Therefore it is concluded that the magnitude of environmental damage causing and hidden environmental threats actualize the necessity for research of national, as well as international and le gal problems of l&egal regulation of environmental protection and environmental safety provision during armed conflict. The authors argue that such situation stipulates the search for completely new, innovative forms of influence of international organizations, intern&ational legal rules and national legislation on social relations in the field of environmental protection and environmental safety provision that arise in conditions of armed conflicts and justify their proposals.
   У статті здійснено аналіз особливос&тей національних і міжнародно-правових проблем охорони довкілля під час збройних конфліктів, а також спробу привернути увагу зарубіжних і вітчизняних науковців-юристів і практиків до необхідності доктринального дослідження та важливості розв"язання з&

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