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Опис документа:

Автор: Приказюк Н., Моташко Т.
Назва: Нові вектори розвитку автотранспортного страхування в Україні
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 37-47
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка
Анотація:   Досліджено теоретичні аспекти автотранспортного страхування. Проаналізовано розвиток автотранспортного страхування з позиції інноваційних заходів, що в ньому здійснюються, у світі. Виявлено актуальні проблеми та окреслено нові вектори розвитку вітчизняного ринку автострахування.
   Исследованы теоретические аспекты автотранспортного страхования. Проанализировано развитие автотранспортного страхования с позиции инновационных мероприятий, которые в нем осуществляются, в мире. Выявлено актуальные проблемы иопределены новые векторы развития отечественного рынка автострахования.
   The essence and features of different forms of motor insurance are studied. As investigated, the motor insurance is one of the most popular types of insurance in many countries, andcontinues its further quality development. It is stated that the following new vectors of development has been recently observed in developed countries: Internet sales are getting significantly prevalent along with the traditional channels of insurancedistribution; insurers" websites provide a wide range of online features in motor insurance; innovations in motor insurance based on the use of telematics, particularly the usage-based insurance, are widely spread. Basic types of motor insurance, which& represent the domestic market, are analyzed. It was found that the share of motor insurance in the insurance market of Ukraine is significant. As established, the proportion of net premiums of motor insurance is decreasing, because its development i&s significantly influenced by economic factors. Measures, applied by insurance companies in the domestic market of motor insurance to attract new customers and retain the existing ones, are defined. In particular, insurers are trying to develop the i&mplementation of insurance services online, and use possibilities offered by mobile technologies. It was found that the domestic market of motor insurance is characterized by a high level of fraud, that is why some innovative measures in the domestic& and international motor insurance agreements are taken to decrease it, such as the introduction of mandatory registration of insurance agents, who have the right to perform mediatory activity in compulsory civil liability insurance of owners of moto&r vehicles (CCLIOMV), and procedures for contracting the international insurance "Green Card" agreements with simultaneous entering the information on concluded agreement into a unified centralized database of Motor (transport) insurance bureau of Uk&raine using the "Green Card online" subsystem.

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