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Опис документа:

Автор: Стрельцова Я.Р.
Назва: Высшая школа во Франции: проблемы и тенденции (оценка французских специалистов)
Видавництво: Наука
Сторінок: С. 52-64
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Мировая экономика и международные отношения
Анотація:   Рассматриваются некоторые проблемы высшего образования во Франции. Анализируются современные тенденции и перспективы его развития, а также политика, проводимая нынешней властью в отношении молодежи. Приводятся оценки современного состояния высшей школы известными французскими социологами - специалистами в области молодежной политики. Прослеживаются аналогии с проблемами российской системы высшего образования, в частности высших коммерческих школ.
   Considering current problems of the higher education system in France, a number of problems can be identified. On one hand, the traditional high school encourages the intelligence, the elite formation, the deepening of existing social inequalities. On the other hand, the professional training largely focusedon the labor market is expected. The contradiction between supply and demand (a demand for young professionals), the lack of opportunities for career growth at home force young Frenchmen to leave the country, which is the major issue in higher educationand French society as a whole. At the same time, the educational immigration to France is increasing. The problems of coexistence of different cultures and worldviews in higher education remain actual. Such problems as “difficult” neighborhoods and emp&loyment among young people, their professional, cultural orientation, changing attitudes towards the teaching profession are important, too. The article contains the analysis of current trends and prospects of higher education, as well as of the poli&cy being pursued by the government towards the young generation. The estimation of the present state of higher school by well known French sociologists - experts in the field of youth policy (Olivier Galland, Frangois Dubet and others) is presented i&n the paper. The analogy with problems of the Russian higher education system, in particular higher commercial schools, is noticed. Fighting for youth remains the main theme in modern France. The social climate in the country may be improved by means& of the young peoples ’ “remobilization”, using their dynamism, their knowledge and educational level which is one of the highest in Europe. The creation of prospects for self-realization at home (better conditions for an entrepreneurial activity and& a political career etc.) may be considered as an alternative to the departure of young people abroad.

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