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Опис документа:

Автор: Кодинець А.О.
Назва: Договір застави майнових прав інтелектуальної власності: нормативне регулювання та теоретичне дослідження
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 169-178
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Адміністративне право і процес
Анотація:   Статтю присвячено розгляду цивільно-правових аспектів регулювання дого-вірних відносин застави майнових прав інтелектуальної власності, аналізу чинного законодавства у сфері застави та розпоряджання правами на результати інтелектуальної діяльності, визначенню особливостей та правової природи таких договорів, а також формулюванню висновків і пропозицій, спрямованих на вдосконалення цивільного законодавства в цій галузі.
   Статья посвящена рассмотрению гражданско-правовых аспектов регулиро-вания договорных отношений залога имущественных прав интеллектуальной собственности, анализу действующего законодательства в сфере залога и распоряжения правами на результаты интеллектуальной деятельности, определению особенностей и правовой природы таких договоров, а также формулировке выводов и предложений, направленных на совершенствование гражданского законодательства в указанной области.
   The article considers the civil-legal aspects of the contractual relationship on the pledge on intellectual property rights, the analysis of the current legislation in the area of disposal of the rights of intellectual property, determination of the legal nature of this group agreements, as well as the formulation of conclusions and recommendations aimed at improving the civ&il legislation in this area.
   In modern conditions of development of market relations are increased the value and role of the Treaty as a universal model of mediation legal relations based on legal equality, self-determination and independence of the&ir participants. In these circumstances, the values of the contracts are increased and the scopes of contracts are expended, new contractual structures are created, mechanisms of regulatory procedures are changed.
   Today in the field of intellectual& activity there are a large number of different con-tracts of different nature, a significant portion of which are specific contractual design, unique to this area. Therefore, the scientific analysis of the legal nature and place of contracts on pled&ge of intellectual property rights in the civil contractual obligations, the study of their features and aspects of the contractual regulation of relations in the disposal of the rights of intellectual property has the particular importance.
   One of &the types of contracts, which may be the subject of intellectual property rights, is a pledge agreement. The possibility of a pledge of intellectual property rights pro vided in part 3 art. 424 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, as well as the Law of Ukra&ine "On Pledge", which regulates this type of collateral as a guarantee of property rights. However, in contrast to the license agreement and the agreement on the transfer of intellectual property rights, which has received a legislative basis in the& norms of the Civil Code of Ukraine relations of pledge of intellectual property rights did not become the subject of a special legal regulation.
   Despite the legal admissibility of a pledge of intellectual property rights in the part 3 art. 424 of t&he Civil Code of Ukraine, the specifics of intellectual property rights as exclusive rights, related intangible benefits determines the characteristics of execution of the contract of pledge of intellectual property rights.
   In the article there are& made the conclusions of need for additional legislative regulation of relations connected with the conclusion, performance and termination of the contract on pledge of intellectual property rights. Such changes should be made to the subject of the p&ledge agreement, the definition of the characteristics and essential terms of the contract on pledge of intellectual property rights, regulations of state registration of pledge agreement of intellectual property rights. In order to improve the legal& regulation of these relations is also necessary to amend the Law of Ukraine "On Pledge" in terms of inclusion in the list of pledge agreement provisions conditions about the pledge of intellectual property rights.

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