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Опис документа:

Автор: Дембіцька С.Л.
Назва: Розуміння адміністративної відповідальності щодо застосування адміністративного примусу органами державної влади
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 120-128
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Адміністративне право і процес
Анотація:   У статті досліджуються питання інституту адміністративної відповідальності, правові норми, що регулюють відповідальність за адміністративні пра-вопорушення, використання адміністративної відповідальності щодо осіб, які вчинили адміністративне правопорушення. Розглядаються питання застосування до порушників органами влади адміністративного примусу.
   В статье исследуются вопросы института административной ответственности, правовые нормы, регулирующие ответственность за административные правонарушения, использование административной ответственности лиц, совершивших административное правонарушение. Рассматриваются вопросы применения к нарушителям органами власти административного принуждения.
   The Ukrainian state and society put before the issue of the reform of lawful citizens to administrative responsibility. The modern science of administrative law should develop the basic theoretical principles guarantying the legality of citizens to administrative responsibility, which should find its further consolidation in the legislation of Ukraine on administrative offences.
   The state should ensure the basic conditions, measures, methods and tools that should be defined in the legislation on administrative offences to enforce the law with attraction of cit&izens to administrative responsibility and prevent violations of the rights and freedoms of citizens. Their combination is the content of the guarantees of legal bringing of the Ukrainian citizens to administrative responsibility.
   The process of ref&orming the legislation on administrative responsibility requires qualitatively new views on the contents of this Institute and its place in the mechanism of state control. One must get rid of the old ideological dogmas that have long influenced the d&evelopment of this Institute. The focus on the development of market relations in the economy, the priority of human rights, to a new understanding of the role of the state in society requires appropriate consideration in the development of rules tha&t make up the Institute of administrative responsibility. Today, administrative responsibility is undoubtedly the most common form of legal liability in the legal system of Ukraine and one of the most effective legal instruments in the fight against &the most massive wrongful acts, which are administrative violations.
   The concept of "administrative enforcement" is much broader than the concept of "administrative responsibility", thus, administrative responsibility is a part of administrative coe&rcion. The measures of administrative coercion shall be established, modified, repealed by act of control depending on the needs. There is not a single act, which would contain the list of coercive measures. The measures of administrative coercion ar&e used by a large number of subjects.
   Traditionally, the legal liability is associated with the application of measures of state coercion; see it as under the sanctions of legal norms reaction to the offence, as the implementation, application and i&mplementation of the sanctions.
   Application of measures of legal liability will result in the offender burdensome consequences of property, moral, personal or other nature, which he must endure and it actually performs. Thus the offender holds the a&nswer to the state for misconduct.
   The main problem of legal liability in General and administrative responsibility in particular in modern society is the rule of law, prevention and suppression of crime, the maximum possible compensation of the ha&rm caused to society and the rule of law. Thus, the termination of offenses is forced to stop illegal acts aimed at preventing harmful effects, and ensuring application to the person in fault on recovery.

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