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Опис документа:

Автор: Стрельцова Я.Р.
Назва: Ценностная составляющая системы образования во Франции
Видавництво: Наука
Сторінок: С. 88-103
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Мировая экономика и международные отношения
Анотація:   В статье прослеживается, как меняются ценности в системе образования Франции на разных этапах ее формирования, особенно начиная с 80-х годов XX в. Особое внимание уделено проблеме светскости образования, а также реформе школы в период президентства Ф. Олланда. Подробно рассмотрены формы приема и интеграции детей иммигрантов в школах и обучения их французскому языку. Делается вывод о взаимообусловленности ряда проблем современной французской школы особенностями иммиграционной политики страны.
   The article examines which way the values in the educational system of France have been changing at various stages of its formation, particularly since 1980s. It refers to the problem of the immigration influence on the ongoing reforms in the school system. Special attention is paid to the problem of educational secularism and school reform during the presidency of Frangois Hollande. The questions about the role of morality, the relationship between tradition and innovation in the school system are researchedin the paper. In particular, the Charter of secularism prepared by Vincent Peillon is analyzed. Specifically the forms of enrolment and integration of immigrant children in schools and teaching them the French language are considered, from 1970s up to& the present day. The teaching of French language acts as the main mechanism for the newcomers’ integration. Changing forms of the immigrant children’s adaptation are the convincing proof. Modern France faces a certain contradiction. On one hand, bel&onging to the most liberal countries continuing the tradition of the Enlightenment and the French Revolution, it actively protects the values of freedom, openness to the world ideas, cultural interaction, etc., which is reflected primarily in the edu&cational system. On the other hand, the real interpenetration of traditions and customs of different cultures which became possible due to the liberal migration policy begins to affect certain foundations, such as the secular character of the educati&on system, equal rights for women and other, proper for the “traditional France”. In conclusion, the interdependence between some problems of the modern French school and the immigration policy is stated in the article. This conclusion may be extende&d to the countries which accept a great number of the migrants. The experience of France, where the forms of the immigrant children integration are well functioning, becomes more and more demanded, also in Russia.

З 31.12.2014 по 01.03.2015 Наукова бібліотека
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