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Опис документа:

Автор: Пацурія Н.Б.
Назва: Неюридичні джерела страхового права
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 247-252
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Адміністративне право і процес
Анотація:   У статті розглядаються питання визначення змісту і видів неюридичних джерел страхового права. Підкреслюється, що питання формування і розвитку страхового законодавства неодноразово були предметом наукових досліджень. Проте проблеми неюридичних джерел страхового права, визначення їх видів і змісту ніколи не піддавалися ретельному науковому аналізу в галузевій юридичній літературі.
   В статье рассматриваются вопросы определения содержания и видов не юридических источников страхового права. Подчеркивается,что вопросы формирования и развития страхового законодательства неоднократно были предметом научных исследований. Тем не менее проблемы неюридических источников страхового права, определения их видов и содержания никогда не подвергались тщательному научному анализу в отраслевой юридической литературе.
   In the structure of the legal sources of economic law it is allocated three blocks, which include: 1) the formal-legal (institutional) sources, which coincide with the form of law as a means of internal structure and the external expression of the rules of conduct that are contained in the law; 2) other social sources, existing as certain facts of social reality; 3) court practice, which holds a special place in the system of sources of commercial la&w, and are the result of legal control and affective law enforcement, which has influence into the existing formation of insurance relations in society, and as a consequence, could have an influence into the development of the insurance legislation. &The last mentioned two issues of the economic doctrine of the right are belonging to the non-legal sources. The formation and development of the insurance legislation has repeatedly been the
   subject of scientific researches. However, the issues rega&rd the non-legal sources of insurance law, the determination of their scope and the content never been the subjects of extensive scientific analysis in the legal literature. Despite existing research main scientific-theoretical problem is that so far& neither in science nor in law enforcement is not reached consensus as to what is legally meant by "source of law". Taking into consideration the provisions of the law and the domestic legal doctrine
   as well as business custom, there is a source of &insurance law, recognized and widely used in the practice of insurance activity. According to the business customs in insurance, activities should include, inter alia: the Code of Ethics in the insurance business, which determines the rules of conduc&t of insurers - Members of the League of Insurance Organizations of Ukraine; reservations of the Institute of London Underwriters for certain types of insurance, which are used in the aviation and marine insurance, cargo insurance at; basic terms of &cargo insurance, prepared by the Institute of London Underwriters (which was founded in 1848) in accordance with international law, etc . Analysis of Ukrainian legislation on insurance suggests that one of the most important factors in the developmen&t of insurance law and insurance, considering its high socio - economic value for the normal existence of the economy, is the formation and development of the regulatory framework, which would correspond to the content and purpose of this segment of &the economy and to provide for the interests of all participants of insurance relations. At the same time, the effectiveness of the state is the existence and using of the legal means of regulating social relations non-legal sources of law. The persp&ectives of further researches in the mentioned field should contribute to the development of a holistic science - based theory of the definition, types, content and scope of non-legal sources of insurance law.

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