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Опис документа:

Автор: Діхтієвський П.В., Лагнюк О.М.
Назва: До питань призначення суддів на адміністративні посади та розподілу повноважень між головою суду і керівником апарату
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 42-52
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Адміністративне право і процес
Анотація:   У статті досліджується чинна нормативна модель призначення суддів на адміністративні посади та розподілу повноважень між головою суду і керівником апарату, розкрито проблеми правового регулювання в цій сфері, проаналізовано позиції вітчизняних науковцівта науково обгрунтовано пропозиції щодо вдосконалення чинного законодавства України.
   В статье исследуется действующая нормативная модель назначения судей на административные должности и распределения полномочий между председателем суда и руководителем аппарата, раскрыты проблемы правового регулирования в этой сфере, изучены позиции украинских исследователей, обоснованы предложения для усовершенствования действующего законодательства Украины.
   This paper examines the current regulatory model of appointment of judges to administrative positions and the division of powers between the chairman of the court and the head of unit, solves problems of legal regulation in this area, analyzes the position of national scientists and scientifically grounded proposals for improving the current legislation of Ukraine. It is noted that the appointment of judges to administrative positions is an important problematic area, according to which during the period of independence of Ukraine many times appeared debates &between scientists, policy makers and some private lawyers. The legislature and the judiciary could not reach agreement on this issue for a long time. In this regard, the subject, which is authorized to appoint judges to administrative positions, was& changing constantly. It notes that the other equally important controversial issue is the current procedure of the distribution of administrative responsibilities between the chairman of the court and the head of unit. Existing legal order of the re&lationship between the chairman of the court and the head of the unit has created some dual power and reduced level of independence of chairman of the court. The article describes that the most effective means of forming the administrative apparatus &of judges of general jurisdiction is the order in which administrative positions cover the judges, who are appointed and dismissed by their colleagues using the institute authorities. In order to improve management of personnel of a court it is neces&sary to strengthen the role of chairman of the court during resolving the issues according the appointment and dismissal of staff. In particular, he should be given the power to appoint and dismiss governing body and court staff, to assign them a ran&k of civil servant, application management of incentives and disciplinary sanctions. Head of unit of the court must be given only economic and organizational functions which aim is to ensure proper and smooth functioning of the judicial system of Ukr&aine. He should prepare proposals for appropriate changes to the current legislation of Ukraine.

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