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Опис документа:

Автор: Yeshchenko O.A., Bondarchuk I.S., Malynych S.Z., Galabura Yu., Chumanov G., Luzinov I.
Назва: Optical Properties of Multilayered Metal-Dielectric Structures Containing Silver Nanoparticles
Видавництво: Sumy State University Publishing
Сторінок: P. 01FNC01-1-01FNC01-4
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Proceedings of the International conference "Nanomaterials: applications and properties"
Анотація:   In this paper we report on fabrication and optical properties of metal-dielectric nanostructures consisting of stacked monolayers of silver nanoparticles. The extinction spectra of the nanostructures were studied as a function of the angle of incidence and polarization state of the incident light. Two collective surface plasmon modes, namely T and P, associated with particle dipoles parallel and perpendicular to plane of the layer were identified for a single monolayer of the particles. The extinction bands of T and P modes exhibit different intensity and frequency dependences on the angle of incidence. More pronounced angular dependences for P mode band indicate the stronger coupling of dipoles for P mode than for Tone. A new N mode was observed for the structures comprising three nanoparticle layers. This new mode originated from surface plasmon coupling between adjacent layers.

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