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Опис документа:

Автор: Шабликіна О., Шиманська Н., Іщенко В., Хиля В.
Назва: Реакція Маніха в ряду 3-(гідроксифеніл) ізокумаринів
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 77-80
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка
Анотація:   Розроблено метод одержання амінометильних похідних 3-арилізокумаринів та 3-арил-3,4-дигідроізокумаринів шляхом дії аміналей формальдегіду на 3 фенілізокумарини та 3-феніл-3,4-дигідроізокумарини, що містять гідроксильні групи у фенільному заміснику.
   Разработан метод получения аминометильных производных 3 арилизокумаринов и 3-арил-3,4-дигидроизокумаринов действием аминалей формальдегида на 3-фенилизокумарины и 3-фенил-3,4-дигидроизокумарины, содержащие гидроксильные группы в фенильном заместителе.
   Thisreport is devoted to study the Mannich reaction applying to arylisocoumarines in which the aromatic substituent at the third position is active in electrophilic substitution reactions due to the presence of the hydroxyl group. 3-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)-, 3-(2hydroxy-5-methylphenyl)-, 3-(2,5-dihydroxyphenyl)-, and 3-(2-methoxy-4 hydroxyphenyl)isocoumarin were selected as the objects of investigation. The starting materials can be easily obtained by acylation of the corresponding phenol with homophthalic acidin the presence of a Lewis acid. It proved impossible to execute the reaction of 3-(hydroxyphenyl)isocoumarins aminomethylation in classical Mannich reaction conditions; so to produce the target aminomethyl derivatives we have used formaldehyde amina&ls - bis(dimethylamino)methane and bis(diethylamino)methane. A series of dialkylaminometyl derivatives of isocoumarine were obtained, in all cases the substitution took place in the third position of the phenyl substituent. The reaction occurs by ref&luxing equimolar amounts of the products in a polar inert solvent, in a short time and with high enough yield; the obtained products can be isolated in the form of bases as well as in the form of hydrochlorides. Double aminomethylation of 3 (4-hydrox&yphenyl)isocoumarin- at positions 3", 5" - can probably be explained by both the smaller size of aminomethyl agent and the steric accessibility of the phenyl ring respective positions to attack, since only monoaminomethyl derivative formation were re&corded in other cases. When there are two possible positions to aminomethylation 3 (2,5-dihydroxyphenyl)isocoumarin, product structure unambiguously established by the of 1H NMR spectra data. Under the same conditions and with the same efficiency ami&nomethylation to a third position of the phenyl substituent of 3-(2-hydroxy-5- methylphenyl)-3,4-dihydroisocoumarin was carried out.

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