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Опис документа:

Автор: Чумак О.О.
Назва: Стадії виконавчого процесу та їх зміст
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 109-115
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Адміністративне право і процес
Анотація:   В статті розглядається виконавче провадження, обґрунтовується його стадійність. Зроблена загальнотеоретична характеристика стадій виконавчого процесу. Пропонується авторська класифікація стадій виконавчого процесу і визначається зміст кожної зі стадій.
   Considered what is meant by the stage of the process in the theoretical legal literature. Author supports the view of those scholars who offer classic approach to determine the stages of enforcement proceedings and their classification. That is the stage of enforcement process can be roughly differentiated into mandatory (initiation, preparation and completion), which are all matters of enforcement of the judgment) and optional (implementation of which depends on a combination of several factors).
   Examined sequential procedure for enforcement proceedings. Attention is paid to the fact that the stage of the enforcement proceedings may have two solutions: if the documents with current legislation – the adoption of the resolution of enforcement proceedings, in the case of non-compliance documents - a refusal to initiate enforcement proceedings.
   It is noted that the preparatory stage of the process consists of: voluntary compliance, requesting and confirming information on the debtor"s property, etc&., planning execution, if necessary – to implement measures to ensure the continued performance, combining enforcement proceedings.
   The key stage of the process is the same stage of actual enforcement jurisdictional authority through coercive measur&es.
   The final phase consists of public enforcement proceedings aimed at documenting the completion of a particular enforcement proceeding, the abolition of state enforcement actions taken by enforcement of decisions and the distribution of collected& funds, property and so on.

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