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Опис документа:

Автор: Гордєєв В.В.
Назва: Дефекти юридичних фактів та інших елементів фактичного складу в адміністративному судочинстві України
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 175-184
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Адміністративне право і процес
Анотація:   У статті досліджено дефекти юридичних фактів та інших елементів фактичного складу під час провадження в адміністративному суді першої інстанції. Запропоновано власне визначення дефекту юридичного факту та фактичного складу в адміністративному судочинстві України. Сформовано перелік основних дефектів юридичних фактів та інших елементів фактичного складу в адміністративному судочинстві України.
   The article accentuates upon occasions when in the course of administrative case hearing there appear defective juridical-factual legal situations connected with ascertainment of defects of juridical facts or other elements of set of facts that prevent administrative legal proceeding from performance of its tasks and qualitative and operative case consideration.
   Relevance, timeliness and appropriateness of studies in this field are conditioned by the necessity of avoidance of said defective juridical-factual legal situations, and absence of scientific research into defectiveness of juridical facts or other elements of set of facts.
   It is noted that the defect of juridical fact in administrative legal proceeding represents its state/feature/specificity that conditions availability of circumstances that prevent said proceeding from performance of its tasks &and qualitative and operative case consideration. The defect of the set of facts in administrative legal proceeding represents the state/feature/specificity of juridical fact or other elements of the set of facts that prevent said proceeding from per&formance of its tasks and qualitative and operative case consideration.
   It is acknowledged that the formation of the list of defects of juridical facts and other elements of the set of facts would help avoid defective juridical-factual legal situati&ons
   thus resulting in perfection of administrative legal proceeding participants’ enforcement of their rights and the court’s law-enforcement activity.
   Author came to conclusion that the major defects of juridical facts and other elements of the s&et of facts when lodging a claim to the administrative court are as follows: non-observance of the form and the content of the claim; claimant’s legal incapacity to sue; omission of the legal time limit to address administrative court while the court& found no reasons to regard such omission as admissible excuse; failure to comply with the rules of jurisdiction and the court jurisdiction.

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