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Опис документа:

Автор: Джарти В.В.
Назва: Участь держави у розпорядженні об"єктами власності українського народу
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 101-108
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Адміністративне право і процес
Анотація:   У статті розкриваються питання участі держави у процесі розпорядження об"єктами права власності Українського народу. Автором розв"язується низка взаємопов’язаних завдань, спрямованих на аналіз основних рис інституту власності Українського народу; визначення видів об"єктів права власності Українського народу; з"ясування стану нормативного закріплення права громадян на доступ до об"єктів власності Українського народу; обґрунтування доцільності закріплення за державою повноважень щодо розпорядження об"єктами права власності Українського народу.
   Participation of the state in the process of disposition of the objects of property owned by Ukrainian citizens is disclosed in the article. The author solves many interrelated tasks which are directed first of all at the analysis of the main features of the institution of property owned by Ukrainian citizens. It is established that this type of property is a special one, which is designated to satisfy needs of the whole society and which embodies the general public interest. An approximate list of the objects of property owned by Ukrainian citizens is defined.
   Ideological and legal approaches to the analysis of the category «property of the Ukrainian nation» are proposed to be used. Due to an ideological a&pproach the goal of social service to the Ukrainian nation is stressed. It is emphasized that a primary owner on the territory of the state is first of all the nation and the activity of the state and municipal agencies must ensure and realize the na&tion’s interests.
   A legal approach is considered in the article through the right of the citizens to make free use of the objects of property owned by the Ukrainian nation. It is proved in the article that this right is a background for development &of other rights of citizens concerning the objects of property of the Ukrainian nation for example the right to the participation in deciding on factual or legal disposition of the object of property.
   The author proves the necessity to adopt the Law& of Ukraine «On the Legal Status of the Objects of the Property Right Owned by Ukrainian Nation».
   Conditions of participation of the state in the disposition with the objects of property owned by Ukrainian citizens are determined. An opinion is prov&ed that it is necessary to divide such categories as property of the Ukrainian nation and state property, to formalize the participation of the state in the administration of the objects of the property owned by the Ukrainian nation, to establish uni&form rules on disposition with the mentioned objects and to implement in legal science a double structure of state property.
   An opinion is proved in the end of the article that it is necessary to entrench the authority of the state to dispose with t&he objects of the property owned by the Ukrainian nation.

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