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Опис документа:

Автор: Тимощук В.П.
Назва: Контрольна функція держави
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 83-92
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Адміністративне право і процес
Анотація:   У статті здійснено загальний огляд реалізації контрольної функції держави. Особлива увага приділяється проблематиці внутрішнього службового (антикорупційного) контролю в публічній адміністрації та проблематиці інспекційної діяльності.
   The article givesa general overview of the control functions of the state. Particularly, it elaborates on the weak parliamentary control, drawbacks of the Soviet heritage of the general oversight by the prosecution office.
   However, the main focus of the article is the internal (anticorruption) control in public administration. There is a problem of lack of independent authorities (departments) within separate state agencies which could perform such anticorruption control. In spite of the fact that there is certain progress – orders of the government to establish anticorruption departments – there still remain unresolved issues, which would enable effective work of such departments. Such departments still lack independence. They are completely dependent on the chief of the state agency, part of which they are, both on the matters of management (staffing, financing etc) and investigation of anticorruption cases within the agency. Therefore, in case of bad faith of the chief of the state agency, the anticorruption d&epartment cannot be effective. Additionally, the article gives an insight in the weakness on internal audit in public administration. The main focus of internal audit in Ukrainian state agencies is on legality of use of budget funds instead of effici&ency, effectiveness and outcomes of such use.
   Another section of the article is on the topic of state inspections. Administrative legislation
   of Ukraine in this respect is incomplete. Particularly, there is only legislation that governs inspection &of businesses – the Law «On fundamentals of state oversight (control) of economic activity» of 5 April 2007. Meanwhile, legislation on control over activity of physical persons is in the form of sub-legislation. Due to numerous exceptions caused by l&obbyism, many economic fields do not fall within the scope of state inspections. Taking into account lack of general law on administrative procedure in Ukraine, physical persons
   are insufficiently protected from arbitral activity on state agencies, &including inspection authorities. At the same time public interest is barely secured as well. Public administration
   agencies in many areas lack powers and effective mechanisms to secure the law and public interests. Particularly, this concerns legis&lation on municipal landscape management, architecture and construction.
   Also the article mentions other problems: lack of independence of natural monopolies and related markets regulators, weakness of antitrust control etc.

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