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Опис документа:

Автор: Тадєєва О.М.
Назва: Ґенеза поняття "публічне майно"
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 67-75
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Адміністративне право і процес
Анотація:   У статті розглянуто історичний розвиток становлення публічного майна, сформульовано основні ознаки публічних речей, проаналізовано відмінність між публічними речами та публічним майном і визначено поняття останнього.
   This article deals with the historical development of public property formation, because it is one of the most important categories in our present life, as the level of livelihood and the population prosperity in each country primarily depends on the fact how it provides its citizens withgoods of general usage. The development of the institution of property from the times of Plato and Aristotle was investigated in this article because the first traces of an idea of property were found in their writings where the private and public property was separated, and only the exceptional importance of the idea of the common welfare over personal one was recognized. The reasons of the property origin were investigated. The concept of «property» which became used only in the second half of the XVIII century was analyzed. Besides the issue of «publicity» and «public property» were traced in the writings of many scholars according to the determination by the Great Dictionary of the modern Ukrainian language. Analyzing the concept of «publicity»& we come to a conclusion that it connects the main reasons of public policy implementation with the «public welfare» which is interpreted as one which is produced by the state, not the market. The key concept of public ownership is the concept of pub&lic property which is the main object of this article investigation, because nowadays in Ukraine the determination of the legal regime of public property, the power of state and local governments in the implementation of public ownership of the prope&rty remains as one of the main concepts in the way of establishing an effective legal system in Ukraine. Considering the concept of «property », the main attention is paid to the fact that it is used in different senses in the same legislative acts s&uch as the Civil Code of Ukraine, the Commercial Code of Ukraine and the United Nations Convention against Transactional Organized Crime. Except the term «property», the concept of «goods» is investigated in its historical development, theories of it&s origin, and the theory of legal nature, in consequence of which we come to a conclusion that these concepts cannot be identified, because the category of the property is a broader concept that encompasses a category of goods.

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