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Опис документа:

Автор: Мурза В.В.
Назва: Методологічні засади розмежування наглядової та контрольної функцій держави
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 46-52
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Адміністративне право і процес
Анотація:   В статті проведено аналіз концептуальних положень, поглядів та ідей щодо розмежування наглядової функції держави від контрольної. Зроблено аналіз по їх співвідношенню і віднайденою відмінностей. Наведено авторське визначення досліджуваних понять.
   In the article noted that the functions of the state shall be defined on the basis of the political, social, economic and territorial organization, the unity which allows characterizing the full range of topical areas of state activity.
   It is concluded that under the functions of the state should understand these directions and areas of internal and external activities that through the implementation of tasks in the relevant organizational and legal forms, methods, tools and techniques aimed at the realization of the state of destination.
   It is noted that the control is part of the management process, but it is not separated from other functions that at all levels of control and other functions of the management process should be seen as being constantly interact in a closed loop.
   Proposed the following definition of the concepts studied: (a) the supervisory function of the state is one of the priorities of government activities, which now requires further study and research. Application of the super&visory functions of public administration is one of the priority areas to improve the system of public administration and practice of implementation of the government; (b) control function of the state – is one of the main activities of the State to &establish the actual execution of the laws and deterrence of deviations.
   The author summarized that, firstly, the supervisory and control functions of the state are one of the priorities of government activities to promote the rule of law and legali&ty in various spheres of public life. Second, the ratio of state supervision and control provides optimum conditions for civil society mechanism of verifying compliance with applicable laws supervised and controlled objects and subsequent prevention &or elimination of revealed violations of the law that does not allow direct intervention in their operational activities. Third, the intensification of the use of supervisory and control functions of the state is one of the priority areas to improve &the system of public administration and practice of implementation of the government.

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