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Опис документа:

Автор: Алімпієв А.І.
Назва: Поняття та система правових гарантій реалізації права громадян в сфері зайнятості населення України
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 85-91
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Адміністративне право і процес
Анотація:   В статті визначено поняття гарантій реалізації прав громадян в сфері зайнятості
   населення. Зроблено теоретичну характеристику видів правових гарантій реалізації прав громадян в сфері зайнятості населення. Розкрито зміст кожної гарантії реалізації прав громадян в сфері зайнятості населення, проаналізовано її сутність.
   The article defined the concept of guarantees of realization of the rights of citizens in the area of occupation, characterized types of legal guarantees of the rights of citizens in thearea of occupation.
   It is concluded that the system of guarantees of realization of the rights of citizens in the area of occupation combined in the following groups: 1) guarantees related to direct the public’s right to occupation and employment; 2) guarantees related to the performance of labour functions; 3) warranty information in employment; 4) social security in employment; 5) guarantees related to the prevention of unemployment and the occurrence of adverse effects from it; 6) safeguards to protect the violated rights of citizens in employment.
   The author noted that the state provides adequate and sufficient conditions for the realization of citizens’ rights to employment and effective occupation. However, a characteristic feature of the &national legislation is that most government guarantees aimed at ensuring employment of jobless is to eliminate the negative effects of unemployment and the fight against it. At the same time, government guarantees associated with the prevention of u&nemployment today is not developed enough. In particular, no organized activities of primary vocational guidance, protection of workers from arbitrary dismissal and other violations of labour rights, which are not designed properly? Therefore, to exp&and and enhance of guarantees of realization of the rights of citizens in the area of occupation must, above all, strengthen efforts to combat the shadow employment and strengthen the protection of the rights of workers who are not properly designed,& inter alias, provide for proof of actual work experience unformed.

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