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Опис документа:

Автор: Пададименко Н.В.
Назва: Окремі аспекти відповідальності працівників правоохоронних органів як суб"єктів права соціального забезпечення
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 92-98
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Адміністративне право і процес
Анотація:   У статті досліджуються особливості відповідальності працівників правоохоронних
   органів щодо отримання різних видів соціального забезпечення. Розкриваються
   правообмежувальні, правовідновлювальні, штрафні санкції. Розглядається
   шахрайство в сфері соціального забезпечення таких працівників.
   This article investigates the features of responsibility of law enforcement agencies to obtain various types of social support. Disclosed law limited punitive damages, law reviving damages. It is considered fraud in the social security of workers. It is proved that the responsibility in social security is a duty, which is in compliance with regulations of legislation that regulate social relations, and also in the need to be responsible for violations prescribed of this legislation. Accordingly, subjects of law of social security are positive responsible and also negative legal responsibility. Defined that positive responsibility is permanent, because bases on conscious responsibility these subjects for their ownbehavior in social security. Negative responsibility is used when subject of law social security (recipient of social benefits) consciously violates the legislation on social security for private gain. In contrast to the prospective liability is nega&tive and retrospective responsibility is characterized by official enforcement and sanctions provided for in the legislation, that lead to property negative consequences for the offender (a recipient of social security). Substantiated that in the fie&ld of social security fraud committed by means of deception. Thus, in case of violation of the legislation on social security in some cases, individuals have to bear criminal responsibility. Noted, that responsibility (positive or negative) in the so&cial security acts as threats to law enforcement, welfare recipients, which is prescribed in the legislation governing the security and social relationships, that regulates security and social relations, and the need to be responsible for violations &determined of the legislation, exactly, characterized by state coercion and sanctions provided by law, which lead to negative consequences for the offender’s property, a recipient of Social Security.

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