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Наукова бібліотека ім. М. Максимовича UNDP in Ukraine
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Опис документа:

Автор: Заиченко С.А., Мартынова С.В.
Назва: Инструментарий статистического анализа научной и инновационной деятельности российских вузов
Сторінок: С. 38-52
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Вопросы статистики
Анотація:   This article describes the features of the new statistical tools, provides comprehensive analysis of indicators of scientific and innovation activity of Russian universities to coordinate targeted public policies in the areas of science, technology and innovation. A review of currently available tools of statistical monitoring of the activities of universities for assessing the novelty of the intervention and its role in the development of official statistics in this area is presented. Specialized survey tool of research and innovation activities of universities is proposed; its logical structure and a brief explanation of the methodological basis are given. The main part of the paper provides an overview of the results of the pilot testing of statistical tools at the level of descriptive statistics. In conclusion, the authors present the main findings of the testing, including criticisms of the feasibility of tools, incl. for use in the framework of the measures of the state scientific-technical andinnovation policy.

З 31.12.2014 по 01.03.2015 Наукова бібліотека
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