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Опис документа:

Автор: Петрочко Ж.
Назва: Особливості оцінки потреб дитини, яка виховується в інтернатному закладі, та її сімейного оточення
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 33-36
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка
Анотація:   Розглянуто технологію оцінки потреб, яка забезпечує оптимальність визначення місця/форми подальшого влаштування вихованця інтернатного закладу в умовах деінституціалізації. Розкрито сутність, принципи, етапи, специфіку здійснення й перспектиив оцінки потреб дитини, яка виховується в інтернатному закладі, та її сімейного оточення. Визначено принципи, етапи оцінки та особливості їх реалізації силами міждисциплінарних команд спеціалістів, специфіку документування оцінювання.
   Essence of needs assessment of a child, educated in the boarding school, and his or her family environment is reveaded. It is determined that needs assessment of a child being brought up in a boarding institution and its family environment is a way of research, which allows to determine his or her the place and form of further arrangement (transfer from the institution), and to plan the work with the child and his or her family/family environment in the best interests of the child. The principles (interdisciplinarity; complexity, phasing; confidentiality; productive interaction and partnership; professionalism and responsibility of all members of a process; participation of the child and his family in the assessment process) and stages of assessment (1. Child needs assessment; &2. Assessment of the family situation, parental potential, and environmental factors) are defined. There were presented peculiarities of realization of assessment stages, its documentation by multidisciplinary teams of specialists. It was established& that appointment of evaluation is to define how to ensure a child right to be raised in a family environment, how to provide reintegration into biological families or placement in one of the family forms of education, and how to draw parents attenti&on to a child from a boarding school, his or her problems and needed support. It is described that assessment of the family environment of a boarding institution child is carried out in four stages: preparatory, visit to a family, study of resources &and opportunities of the community, final. The core task of this assessment is to find out the reasons for 24-hour stay of a child in a boarding institution, and to find the best solutions to ensure a child right to family education. It is defined th&at the assessment of the family environment of a child actualizes the need for periodic collection and analysis of information on certain parameters in order to justify management decisions taking into account the best interests of the child. There w&ere defined prospects of conducting assessment which transforms in status monitoring of family environment of a child who is educated in a boarding institution, at the local level under decentralization.

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