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Опис документа:

Автор: Chystiak D.
Назва: Betraying the Myth: Comparative Analysis of Russian and Ukrainian Translations of the Plays by Maurice Maeterlinck
Видавництво: Чернівецький національний університет
Сторінок: С. 197-205
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Питання літературознавства
Анотація:   Зрада міфу: порівняльний аналіз російського та українського перекладів п’єс Моріса Метерлінка.
   The history of Ukrainian and Russian translations of the playwright by Maurice Maeterlinck is full of well-known names like Lesya Ukrainka, Natalia Kobrynska, Valeriy Briussov and Nikolay Minskiy. Nevertheless some aspects of translations show several problems in misunderstanding of the realities of the French text. Our purpose was to make the comparative analysis of the Russian and Ukrainian translations ofAriane et Barbe-Bleue, a key text of the Maeterlinck’s theatre. The linguo-poetic and linguo-aesthetic analysis were used. The study have shown that the Slavonic translators have omitted the onomastic sign Ariadne revealed in the letters of the author to his German translator Friedrich von Oppeln-Bronikowski where the mythic sign is clearly presented in order to make a transvalorization of the mythological intertext. The original results of our study was used for our new translation of the play Ariane et Barbe-Bleue for the Ukrainian readers published in 2007 then our analysis was developed in the doctorate thesis dedicated to the mythological intertext in the first theatre by Maurice Maeterlinck and in the chapter of our thesis of doctor of scienc&e devoted to the study of Greek mythology in the poetry of the Belgian Nobel Prize winner.

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