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Опис документа:

Автор: Міщенко Ю.В.
Назва: Просторова уява в топонімічному дейксисі козацького травелогу
Видавництво: ВПЦ "Київський університет"
Сторінок: С. 81-93
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Мовні і концептуальні картини світу
Анотація:   На основі "Журналу" подорожі гетьмана Д. Апостола 1728 року досліджено роль топонімів та апелятивів у дейксисі для вираження просторових уявлень невідомого автора. Установлено типологію топонімів, які вжито у щоденнику подорожі. Досліджено "географічнийстрижень" наративу, а також способи, якими дейктично автор маркував чітко окреслений простір на противагу символічному, більше та менше відомі йому локуси.
   In the article expression of space imagination with toponyms based on Ukrainian Hetman Danylo Apostol travel journal (1728 year) is considered. The travel journal of the 1728 year belongs to dairy or travelogue which was very popular in European culture in the XVIII century. In the research short characteristics of this type of Cossack chronicle are explained. Toponymic deixis (a part of space) is always used with temporal and personal deixis in the narration. This article shows an attempt to make a complex typology of toponyms and similar topography objects in Ukrainian lands and Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. In the paper "geographical centre" i.e. where hold the biggest number of events of narration were analyzed. An analysis shows that the toponymic deixis centre of narration was in Hetman capital Hlukhiv city. Also, it was given a shor&t explanation of a term horod (город) in this dairy. This research finds grammar categories and lexical tools expressing events and a person"s movement in, between or near towns, villages and other geographical objects. It investigates a category of &a forest when it becomes a toponym with own location and characteristics. In this article considered how the author of travel journal marks familiar and far people settlement and in what way writer points well-determined and symbolic spaces. It concl&uded a strong correlation in detailed description (with name of type and for unknown (for the author or his potential readers) towns. A content analysis demonstrates aspects of using the most common words "Malaya Roseya" and "Ukraina" marking Ukraini&an Hatmanate territory. Comparing using names of Cossack state and Ukrainians lands ("Malaya Roseya" and "Ukraina") with other dairies of the same epoch and the same social group testify political and ideological views of travelogue"s author.

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