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Опис документа:

Автор: Артеменко А.І.
Назва: Комунікативні перепитування в українському дискурсі
Видавництво: ВПЦ "Київський університет"
Сторінок: C. 9-17
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Мовні і концептуальні картини світу
Анотація:   У статті досліджуються комунікативні перепитування в українському дискурсі. Комунікативні перепитування - це унікальне дискурсивне явище, яке зустрічається в діалогічному мовленні й передає різні прагматичні значення. Запропоновано класифікувати комунікативні перепитування в прагматичному та структурно-семантичному аспектах.
   This article researches communicative echo-questions in Ukrainian discourse. A communicative echo-question is a unique linguistic phenomenon which is used in the dialogue speech and has different pragmatic meanings and gives the speech communicative features. Communicative echo-questions are classified according to the pragmatic, structural and semantic aspects. They need the future research in Ukrainian discourse. Communicative echo-questions are a specific type of interrogative sentences, which repeat the previous phrase in the interrogative form and can follow different intentions. The research shows that communicative echo-questions can express indirect meanings of the communication and help resolve a conflict situation between speakers. In the research communicative echo-questions are identified on the basis of communicative relations between speakers. They can be used in different communicative situations of microdialo&gues. Communicative echoquestions can express politeness, rudeness, surprise and etc. The are divided into the following types, such as mental echo-questions, echo-questions which express surprise and echo-questions which are used for communicative p&ause. Echo-questions can be used by different groups of people, i.e. by men and women, old and young people, polite and rude persons etc. Echo-questions can be used in their speech to show their different inner state. It helps them to communicate pos&itively avoiding conflict situations. Echo-questions are very interesting phenomenon which helps speakers to be polite with each other and communicate deeply. Social characteristics of echo-questions are also very important because they show differen&t social features of situations and speakers with various status roles. Echo-questions help speakers to understand each other better and makes Ukrainian discourse more diplomatic. Pragmatic characteristics of communicative echo-questions show their f&unctional role in Ukrainian discourse.

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