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Опис документа:

Автор: Cosma Ela
Назва: Metternich"s Diplomacy Towards the Romanian Principalities and Serbia (1815-1848)
Сторінок: P. 25-33
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Revue roumaine d"histoire
Анотація:   In 1918, Romania"s fate was closely linked to that of the Great Powers of the After an introductory part, showing Metternich"s influence and vision in the establishment of the Holy Alliance, as well as the guidelines he followed in the Habsburg foreign policy, the article presents two historical sources related to the Austrian-Russian diplomacy unfolded in the Principalities of Moldavia, Wallachia, and Serbia between 1815-1848.The first testimony is a private letter, sent on July 26/August 6, 1844 fromConstantinople, by Polish revolutionary Miha? Czajkowski to Romanian revolutionary Ion Ghica, comparing the situation in the Romanian Principalities and Serbia, and describing at large the Habsburg Empire"s insincere real politics, as well as the TsaristEmpire"s aggressive expansionism towards the three Danubian Principalities.The second primary source is a press article, published in Satellit, the Transylvanian Saxon newspaper from Bra?ov, on July 3, 1848, disclosing Metternich"s Personal Relation toRussia. The huge amounts of bribe money, received by the Austrian chancellor from the tsars Alexander and Nicholas between 1815 and 1848, apparently offered the key for understanding the Austrian-Russian policy in Serbia, Croatia, and the Romanian Prin&cipalities, down to the Mouths of the Danube.

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