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Автор: Антоненко В.І., Павличко О.О.
Назва: Фразеологічні паралелі німецької та української мов
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 9-16
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Мовні і концептуальні картини світу: наукове видання / Київ. нац. ун-т ім. Т. Шевченка ; відп. ред. А.Д. Бєлова ; редкол.: Ш.Т. Апрідонідзе, Р. Бальсис, А.І. Бєльський [та ін.]. Вип. 66. - Київ: Київський університет, 2019
Анотація:   У статті розглядаються проблеми, пов"язані з німецькою та українською порівняльною фразеологією. Здійснено порівняльний аналіз фразеологічних одиниць німецької мови з їх еквівалентами українською мовою. Доведено важливість використання фразеології для формування комунікативної компетентності в мультикультурному освітньому процесі.
   The article focuses on issues associated with German and Ukrainian comparative phraseology. It provides comparative analyses of phraseological units in the German language with respect to their equivalents in the Ukraine language. The importance of phraseology is examined when forming communicative competencies in multicultural educational processes. Practically oriented research of contrastive phraseology includes three aspects: compilation of bilingual (multilingual) dictionaries (lexicography), translation and teaching of a foreign language. In this article we consider the phraseological parallels of the German and Ukrainian languages, focusing on the third aspect, namely the study of phraseology as one of the components of the study of a foreign language.
   In the study of the material of the German and Ukrainian languages in terms of their comparison (translation), the following groups of phraseological units can b&e distinguished: phraseological units with phraseological equivalents in German and Ukrainian languages - full equivalents that coincide in meaning, lexical composition, figurativeness, grammatical structure and stylistic coloring. In such units, the& lexical and grammatical meaning fully coincide. Phraseological units with partial phraseological equivalents in the German and Ukrainian languages. The third group includes the phraseological units of the German language, which have no phraseologica&l equivalents in the Ukrainian language. The
   transfer of the value of similar phraseological units is carried out in the following ways:
   Literal translation. This applies primarily to idioms denoting realities and which are absent in other languag&es. Descriptive translation. The phraseological meaning is transmitted using ordinary words or phrases of a non-phrasal nature. In a descriptive translation, phraseological units lose their figurativeness, and only the general phraseological meaning &(that is, the figurative meaning) is transmitted. The analysis showed that most of the phraseological units of the German and Ukrainian languages are either equivalent, partially equivalent, or similar language units. The second most productive group& of phraseological units refers to language units that are not equivalent in both languages. Comparison of the studied units of both languages belongs to the most important problems of general lexicography and phraseography. When studying the phraseo&logy of a foreign language, a very important role is played by the native language. It is advisable to build on comparative (contrastive) phraseology. Comparison of German and Ukrainian phraseological units makes it possible to investigate the inter-&lingual and foreign-language aspects of the phraseology of these languages. The knowledge gained in comparative phraseology is necessary in translation, as well as in teaching German.

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