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Опис документа:

Автор: Шачковська Л.С.
Назва: Тенденції розвитку політичних партій за матеріалами партійного будівництва на посткомуністичному просторі
Видавництво: ВАДЕКС
Сторінок: С. 310-320
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Політологічний вісник
Анотація:   Проаналізовані зміни природи політичних партій. Охарактеризовано розвиток партій універсального типу. Прослідковано процес формування партійних утворень з нестійкою електоральною базою. Виділено ідеальні типи партій. Розглянуто зв"язок між ідеологічною орієнтацією партії та соціальною базою й окреслено традиційні електорати основних систем цінностей.
   Проанализированы изменения природы политических партий. Охарактеризовано развитие партий универсального типа. Прослежен процесс формирования партийных образований с неустойчивой электоральной базой. Выделены идеальные типы партий. Рассмотрена связь между идеологической ориентацией партии и социальной базой такжевыделены традиционные электораты основных систем ценностей.
   It analyses the changesin thenature of political parties. Modern social state changed the nature of political party substantially. A political market is already filled, any attempt of encroachment is blocked, that is why the appearance of new parties and their place on a political arena is a very rare case. Actually, structural bases of the existent model assist success of large parties recognition taking into account those material charges which are necessary for mass policy. It is necessary to have a wide network of professio&nals, to occupy as many as possible places in the organs of state administration, to control considerable facilities of social communication and to own solid economic support. These factors convert an institutional policy into the "reserved area". Th&e process of parties formation and change of nature of political parties were the subject of both domestic and foreign researchers. All researchers investigated the process of party building and the transformation of parties into universal through th&e prism of changes which took place and take place in the party system of the developed countries of the world. The article also describes the development of parties of universal type. Today, in the context of "Americanization" ("globalization") of p&olitical process, the parties of a new type have appeared. We mean a well known phenomenon of "catch -all-party". It is based on the practice of washing out of classic ideological contours, of obscure political promises, and the formation of social b&ase and elite domination in party life, which release ordinary members of the party. It traces the process of forming of parties with an unsteady electorat base. A leading role in such parties is played by a party guidance. This process is related to& a few circumstances. At first, parties are forced to call to the wide circle of electors. Secondly, parties do not want to increase the amount of their members. Thirdly, the depoliticised citizens of postcommunist countries are not enclined to be id&entified with ideologies and party symbols, they prefer strong personalities. In the article the ideal types of parties are distinguished. It is possible to distinguish a few "ideal types" of parties such as: charisma parties, client parties, program&me parties.

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