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Опис документа:

Автор: Бурда В.
Назва: Абсентеїзм у виборчих кампаніяхдо місцевих рад УСРР у 1920-ті роки
Сторінок: С. 40-47
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Часопис української історії
Анотація:   У статті розглядається активність населення УСРР під час виборчих кампаній до місцевих рад протягом 1920-х рр. Визначено основні причини низької явки виборців на виборчі дільниці у першій половині 1920-х рр. Простежується зміна ставлення компартійно-радянського керівництва до проблеми абсентеїзму. З"ясовуються форми та методи державної політики, направленої на підвищення активності виборців. Показано їхній зв"язок із суспільно-політичними та економічними процесами у середині держави. Наголошується на значенні подолання абсентеїзму виборців для легітимації більшовицького режиму.
   В статье рассматривается активность населения УССР во время избирательных кампаній в местные советы в течение 1920-х гг. Определены основные причины низкой явки избирателей избирательные участки в первой половине 1920-х гг. Прослеживается изменение отношениякомпартийно-советского руководства к проблеме абсентеизма. Выясняются формы и методы государственной политики, направленной на повышение активности избирателей. Показано их связь с общественно-политическими и экономическими процессами внутри государства. Отмечается значение преодоления абсентеизма избирателей для легитимизации большевистского режима.
   The article researches popular participation in elections campaigns &to local councils 1920s in Ukrainian SSR. The research activity of voters in outlined period and measures the Bolshevik Party to its increase can trace the relationship between people and the Communist Party within the electoral process. It gives an &opportunity to form an idea of the attitude of ordinary citizens to the Soviet government institutions. Soviet electoral system of the 1920s envisages annually reelection of deputies of councils of all levels. Such electoral process construction had &to ensure a close relationship between government and voters. However, in the first half of the 1920s, characteristic feature of election campaigns was massive voter absenteeism. The inert attitude to elections can be explained as a deficiencies of o&rganizational and technical support of election campaigns; patriarchal traditions of Ukrainian society, and quite conscious discovery protest against electoral system and introduced system of government. In the first years the low turnout did not cau&se any significant complaints from the Bolsheviks. The change in the attitude of the Soviet leadership to the problem of absenteeism occurs during the 1924-1925. Expanding populations who were eligible to vote would show the liberalization of politic&al regime and increase interest in participating in the voting economically unproven groups (such as "seredniaky" in the village). Organizational and technical support of elections was improved. These events led to the first success in the struggle w&ith absenteeism. In elections 1925/1926 for the first time participated in more than half of voters. At the same time, a surge of political activity took place during the elections. This caused concern among the party leadership. To counter the poten&tial danger Communist Party and Soviet leadership decided to take measures to prevent participation in the next elections "anti-Soviet elements". On the eve of the next elections in1926/1927 number of citizens, who were deprived of voting rights, was& growing. However, in generalelections for the Soviet leadership were successful. They showed that most people considered participationin the elections as a personal duty. In the following years the party control of the electoral process continues to& increase. Restrictions of the population in electoral matters continues. On election day, voter pressure increases. At the same time the organization of the electoral process and election campaigning were improving. Against this backdrop the voter t&urnout continues to increase. Besides, many voters considered their participation in the election as a confirmation of their loyalty to existing regime. This in turn contributed to the increased activity of the population on election day. All this ab&

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