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Опис документа:

Автор: Верба І.
Назва: "Справа Сташевського" і Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 22-26
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Часопис української історії
Анотація:   У статті аналізується конфлікт між двома відомими дослідниками Євгеном Сташевським і Митрофаном Довнар-Запольським, який виник у стінах Київського університету у 1910-х рр. у зв"язку з винесенням Є. Сташевським документів з Московських архівів.
   В статье анализируется конфликт между двумя известными исследователями Евгением Сташевским и Митрофаном Довнар-Запольским, который возник в Киевском университете в 1910-х годах в связи с выносом Е. Сташевским документов из Московских архивов.т Конфликт имел продолжение в 1917 году, когда Е. Сташевский был уволен с Киевского университета Святого Владимира и против него было открыто криминальное дело. Эта проблема разделила преподавателей Киевского университета на два условных лагеря: монархический и демократический. Одни преподаватели защищали Е. Сташевского, а другие взяли сторону М. Довнар-Запольского.
   In the article is analyzed the conflict between two famous researchers Evgeniy Stashevskiy and Mitrofan Dovnar-Zapol"skiy, which arose at the Kyiv Universityin the 1910s due to the fact that E. Stashevskiy took out documents from the Moscow archives. The conflict continued in 1917 when E. Stashevskiy was dismissed from the Kyiv University and criminal case was opened against him. This problem divided teac&hers of historical and philological faculty of University of Saint Volodymyr into two factions: monarchic and democratic. Some teachers protected E. Stashevskiy, and the others joined M. Dovnar-Zapolskiy"s side. So-called "The case of Stashevskiy" ha&s two sides: actual and moral-ethical. The historian wasn"t going to steal documents from the Moscow sources, and at first he took them with the consent of archivists, in particular D. Samokvasov and worked with documents at home. After D. Samokvasov&"s death, he selfwilledally started taking out materials from archives violating archival rules, but constantly referred to them in publications. He used documents only in the scientific purposes and for writing scientific works. The relevant institu&tions (The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of National Education) in which were those archives from which documents were taken and where the scientist worked, didn"t consider E. Stashevskiy"s actions as criminal. Moscow Criminal Investigati&ons Department also didn"t think that he committed any crime. He returned all documents and confessed in his acts. He was forgiven and on "The case of Stashevskiy" wasn"t given any verdict. In 1917 during the revolution, "The case of Stashevskiy" was& strongly inflated, perverted and used in political goals for condemnation of monarchic-minded teachers and the staff of University of Saint Volodymyr. E. Stashevskiy suffered actually (he was dismissed from the Kyiv University) and morally (his name& was stained for a long time in the press). In the name of historian was put the brand as thief of documents, which actually didn"t exist.

З 31.12.2014 по 01.03.2015 Наукова бібліотека
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